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location: ScientificSeminar / 2022


Infrastructure challenges of IoT world

Bogdan Butunoi, West University of Timisoara

Verification of Binarized Deep Neural Networks - an overview

Mădălina Erașcu and Andreea Postovan, West University of Timișoara

Technologies for brain health

Paula Petcu, Brain+ and Healthy Mind Tech, Denmark

Early work with BCIs to control robots

Brendan Allison, University of California, San Diego, USA

''Lightweight Interpolation-Based Surrogate Modelling for Multi-Objective Continuous Optimisation''

Ciprian Zăvoianu, Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, UK

''On eco-friendly digital currencies and why blockchain technology is misunderstood''

Ciprian Pungilă, West University of Timisoara

''A blockchain-driven architecture for antimicrobial resistance detection''

Alexe Luca Spătaru, West University of Timisoara

''The role of the universities in the entrepreneurial ecosystem''

Duncan T. Moore, University of Rochester, USA

''Cloud Movement Forecasting based on Wind Modeled from Satellite Imagery and a Modified Flocking Algorithm''

Marius Penteliuc, West University of Timisoara

''Association Studies and Genetic Diversity''

Alexandru Mizeranschi, Research and Development Station for Bovine – Arad

''Scalable Optimal Deployment in the Cloud of Component-based Applications using Optimization Modulo Theory, Mathematical Programming and Symmetry Breaking''

Mădălina Erașcu, West University of Timisoara

''NDFA-based inexact pattern-matching through local optimum''

Darius Galis, West University of Timisoara