Available years:
Fortiș, Teodor Florin;Fortiș, Alexandra Emilia: Cloud Computing Projects: A Bibliometric Overview. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 127 (2021)
Affiliated authors: Fortiș, Teodor Florin;Fortiș, Alexandra Emilia
Brandibur, Oana;Kaslik, Eva;Mozyrska, Dorota;Wyrwas, Małgorzata: A Rulkov Neuronal Model with Caputo Fractional Variable-Order Differences of Convolution Type. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, 227 (2021)
Affiliated authors: Kaslik, Eva
Dramnesc, Isabela;Jebelean, Tudor: AlCons : Deductive Synthesis of Sorting Algorithms in Theorema. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 314 (2021)
Affiliated authors: Dramnesc, Isabela
Onchis, Darian M.;Gillich, Gilbert Rainer: Stable and explainable deep learning damage prediction for prismatic cantilever steel beam. Computers in Industry, 0 (2021)
Affiliated authors: Onchis, Darian M.
Spataru, Alexe Luca;Pungila, Ciprian;Radovancovici, Marco: A high-performance native approach to adaptive blockchain smart-contract transmission and execution. Information Processing and Management, 0 (2021)
Affiliated authors: Pungila, Ciprian
Dramnesc, Isabela;Jebelean, Tudor: Synthesis of sorting algorithms using multisets in Theorema. Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming, 0 (2021)
Affiliated authors: Dramnesc, Isabela
Eraşcu, Madalina;Micota, Flavia;Zaharie, Daniela: Scalable optimal deployment in the cloud of component-based applications using optimization modulo theory, mathematical programming and symmetry breaking. Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming, 0 (2021)
Affiliated authors: Eraşcu, Madalina;Micota, Flavia;Zaharie, Daniela
Brandibur, Oana;Kaslik, Eva: Stability analysis of multi-term fractional-differential equations with three fractional derivatives. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 0 (2021)
Affiliated authors: Kaslik, Eva
Dundua, Besik;Kutsia, Temur;Marin, Mircea: Variadic equational matching in associative and commutative theories. Journal of Symbolic Computation, 78 (2021)
Affiliated authors: Marin, Mircea
Kaslik, Eva;Neamtu, Mihaela;Vesa, Loredana Flavia: Global stability analysis of an unemployment model with distributed delay. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 535 (2021)
Affiliated authors: Kaslik, Eva
Reja, Mario;Pungila, Ciprian;Negru, Viorel: Towards real-time DNA biometrics using GPU-accelerated processing. Logic Journal of the IGPL, 906 (2021)
Affiliated authors: Reja, Mario;Pungila, Ciprian
Zaharia, Claudia;Mureşan, Raluca;Zaharie, Daniela: Can Association Rules be Used to Improve Additive Bayesian Network Models?. 2021 9th E-Health and Bioengineering Conference, EHB 2021, 0 (2021)
Affiliated authors: Mureşan, Raluca;Zaharie, Daniela
Cincar, Kristijan;Ivascu, Todor: Rule-based Health Status Evaluation System. 2021 9th E-Health and Bioengineering Conference, EHB 2021, 0 (2021)
Affiliated authors: Ivascu, Todor
Penteliuc, Marius E.;Frincu, Marc: Short Term Cloud Motion Forecast based on Boid's Algorithm for use in PV Output Prediction. Proceedings of 2021 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe: Smart Grids: Toward a Carbon-Free Future, ISGT Europe 2021, 0 (2021)
Affiliated authors: Frincu, Marc
Craciun, Darian;Frincu, Marc: Selection methods for Demand Response: Improving comfort and balancing loads. Proceedings of 2021 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe: Smart Grids: Toward a Carbon-Free Future, ISGT Europe 2021, 0 (2021)
Affiliated authors: Frincu, Marc
Dramnesc, Isabela;Jebelean, Tudor: Synthesis of Merging algorithms on binary trees using multisets in Theorema. SACI 2021 - IEEE 15th International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics, Proceedings, 497 (2021)
Affiliated authors: Dramnesc, Isabela
Vonica, Maria Minerva;Ancuta, Andrei;Frincu, Marc: Glacier Movement Prediction through Computer Vision and Satellite Imagery. Proceedings - 2021 23rd International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, SYNASC 2021, 113 (2021)
Affiliated authors: Frincu, Marc
Onchis, Darian M.;Samuila, Ioan Valentin: Double distillation for class incremental learning. Proceedings - 2021 23rd International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, SYNASC 2021, 182 (2021)
Affiliated authors: Onchis, Darian M.
Nicolae-Bogdan-Cristian, Togoe;Pungila, Ciprian: The Cleisthenes Protocol: A Fair Governance-Based Democratic Consensus Algorithm. Proceedings - 2021 23rd International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, SYNASC 2021, 214 (2021)
Affiliated authors: Pungila, Ciprian
Sebastian-Aurelian, Stefaniga: Methods of acceleration for feature extractions in medical imaging using GPU processing. Proceedings - 2021 23rd International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, SYNASC 2021, 234 (2021)
Affiliated authors: Sebastian-Aurelian, Stefaniga
Nouara, Ahmed;Amara, Abdelkader;Kaslik, Eva;Etemad, Sina;Rezapour, Shahram;Martinez, Francisco;Kaabar, Mohammed K.A.: A study on multiterm hybrid multi-order fractional boundary value problem coupled with its stability analysis of Ulam–Hyers type. Advances in Difference Equations, 0 (2021)
Affiliated authors: Kaslik, Eva
Affiliated authors: Petcu, Dana
Affiliated authors: Spătaru, Adrian
Suciu, Liana;Suciu, Maria;Voicu, Mirela;Mureşan, Raluca;Pârv, Florina Viorica;Buda, Valentina;Cristescu, Carmen: Factors influencing adherence to treatment and quality of life for a group of patients with essential hypertension in romania. Patient Preference and Adherence, 483 (2021)
Affiliated authors: Mureşan, Raluca
Kimovski, Dragi;Mathá, Roland;Iuhasz, Gabriel;Marozzo, Fabrizio;Petcu, Dana;Prodan, Radu: Autotuning of Exascale Applications With Anomalies Detection. Frontiers in Big Data, 0 (2021)
Affiliated authors: Iuhasz, Gabriel;Petcu, Dana
Orhei, Ciprian;Bogdan, Victor;Bonchiş, Cosmin;Vasiu, Radu: Dilated filters for edge-detection algorithms. Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 0 (2021)
Affiliated authors: Bonchiş, Cosmin
Ilie, Daniela Elena;Mizeranschi, Alexandru Eugeniu;Mihali, Ciprian Valentin;Neamț, Radu Ionel;Goilean, George Vlad;Georgescu, Ovidiu Ionuț;Zaharie, Daniela;Carabaș, Mihai;Hutu, Ioan: Genome-wide association studies for milk somatic cell score in romanian dairy cattle. Genes, 0 (2021)
Affiliated authors: Zaharie, Daniela
Valcan, Sorin;Gaianu, Mihail: Ground truth data generator for eye location on infrared driver recordings. Journal of Imaging, 0 (2021)
Affiliated authors: Gaianu, Mihail
Brandibur, Oana;Garrappa, Roberto;Kaslik, Eva: Stability of systems of fractional-order differential equations with caputo derivatives. Mathematics, 0 (2021)
Affiliated authors: Kaslik, Eva
Kaslik, Eva;Neamtu, Mihaela;Vesa, Loredana Flavia: Global stability analysis of a five-dimensional unemployment model with distributed delay. Mathematics, 0 (2021)
Affiliated authors: Kaslik, Eva
Ivascu, Todor;Negru, Viorel: Activity-aware vital signmonitoring based on a multi-agent architecture. Sensors, 0 (2021)
Affiliated authors: Ivascu, Todor
Istrate, Gabriel;Bonchiş, Cosmin;Crǎciun, Adrian: Kernelization, proof complexity and social choice. Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, LIPIcs, 0 (2021)
Affiliated authors: Bonchiş, Cosmin;Crǎciun, Adrian
Idoraşi, Laura;Crăciunescu, Emanuela Lidia;Stan, Adrian Tudor;Sinescu, Cosmin;Chiş, Ana Codruţa;Onchiş-Moacă, Darian;Rominu, Mihai;Negrutiu, Meda Lavinia: Morphological aspects in remineralizing potential of Silver Diamine Fluoride. Romanian Journal of Morphology and Embryology, 537 (2021)
Affiliated authors: Onchiş-Moacă, Darian