Available years:
Petcu, Dana;Paprzycki, Marcin;Ganzha, Maria: Clustering multiple and cooperative instances of computational intensive software tools. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 452 (2005)
Affiliated authors: Petcu, Dana
Bonchiş, Cosmin;Ciobanu, Gabriel;Izbaşa, Cornel;Petcu, Dana: A web-based P systems simulator and its parallelization. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 58 (2005)
Affiliated authors: Bonchiş, Cosmin;Petcu, Dana
Petcu, Dana: The performance of parallel iterative solvers. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 1179 (2005)
Affiliated authors: Petcu, Dana
Kaslik, Eva;Balint, Agneta M.;Balint, Stefan: Methods for determination and approximation of the domain of attraction. Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications, 703 (2005)
Affiliated authors: Kaslik, Eva
Kaslik, Eva;Balint, Agneta M.;Grigis, A.;Balint, Stefan: Control procedures using domains of attraction. Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications, 0 (2005)
Affiliated authors: Kaslik, Eva
Petcu, Dana;Popa, Constantin: A new version of Kovarik's approximate orthogonalization algorithm without matrix inversion. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 1235 (2005)
Affiliated authors: Petcu, Dana
Zaharie, Daniela;Micota, Flavia: Dealing with noise in ant-based clustering. 2005 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, IEEE CEC 2005. Proceedings, 2395 (2005)
Affiliated authors: Zaharie, Daniela;Micota, Flavia
Petcu, Dana: Parallel jess. ISPDC 2005: 4th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing, 307 (2005)
Affiliated authors: Petcu, Dana
Pop, Daniel;Jichici, Ciprian;Negru, Viorel: A combinative method for decision tree construction. Proceedings - Seventh International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, SYNASC 2005, 139 (2005)
Affiliated authors: Pop, Daniel
Petcu, Dana: Adapting a partitioning-based heuristic load-balancing algorithm to heterogeneous computing environments. Proceedings - Seventh International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, SYNASC 2005, 170 (2005)
Affiliated authors: Petcu, Dana
Zaharie, Daniela: Density based clustering with crowding differential evolution. Proceedings - Seventh International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, SYNASC 2005, 343 (2005)
Affiliated authors: Zaharie, Daniela
Muscalagiu, Ionel;Emil, Popa Horia;Panoiu, Manuela: Determining the number of messages transmitted for the temporary links in the case of ABT family techniques. Proceedings - Seventh International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, SYNASC 2005, 215 (2005)
Affiliated authors: Emil, Popa Horia
Popovici, Adriana;Popovici, Dan: A generalization of the cellular automata rule-30 cryptoscheme. Proceedings - Seventh International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, SYNASC 2005, 158 (2005)
Affiliated authors: Popovici, Adriana
Kaslik, Eva;Braescu, L.;Balint, Stefan: On the controllability of the continuous-time Hopfield-type neural networks. Proceedings - Seventh International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, SYNASC 2005, 307 (2005)
Affiliated authors: Kaslik, Eva
Petcu, Dana;Paprzycki, Marcin;Dubu, Diana: Design and implementation of a grid extension for Maple. Scientific Programming, 137 (2005)
Affiliated authors: Petcu, Dana
Petcu, Dana: Speedup in solving differential equations on clusters of workstations. International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering, 134 (2005)
Affiliated authors: Petcu, Dana