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location: ScientificSeminar / 2013


Detecting user actions in location-aware mobile applications

Radu Mariescu, University of Eastern Finland

Hyperspectral images and the linear mixture model to analyze them

Alexander Agathos, West University of Timisoara

Does Computer Vision Need HPC?

Debora Gil, Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona

SEED - a cloud of public services

Daniel Pop, West University of Timisoara

Rayleigh Benard instability in the convection in the mantle

Olivier Lafitte, Universite Paris 13, France

Attack Models in Cloud Computing

Roxana Farcasescu, West University of Timisoara

Outages Seen as Security Leaks in Cloud Computing

Roxana Farcasescu, West University of Timisoara

Big Data: Challenges and Solutions

Daniel Pop, West University of Timisoara

Syntactic Unification and Matching

Aurelian Radoaca, West University of Timisoara

Empirical Software Engineering with Examples

Cristina Marinescu, West University of Timisoara and Politehnica University of Timisoara

Optimization and Parallelization of the Minimum Volume Simplex Analysis for the extraction of end-members in Hyperspectral Images

Alexander Agathos, West University of Timisoara