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location: ScientificSeminar / 2008

Scientific Seminar 2008

Translator from BPEL4WS to Event Calculus for verification purposes

Victor Munteanu, West University of Timisoara

On "continuous" set-theoretic models for the theory lambda

Alexandre Lyaletsky, Kiev National Taras Shevchenko University

Lazy Thinking Synthesis in Grobner Basis Theory

Adrian Craciun, West University of Timisoara

Agents as Resource Brokers and Managers in the Grid

Maria Ganzha, Polish Academy of Science, Poland

Matching with Membership Constraints for Hedge and Context Variables

Mircea Marin, University of Tsukuba, Japan

Algorithms for dynamic graphs

Mihai Patrascu, AT&T Labs—Research, USA

Duplicate code detection using anti-unification

Peter Bulychev, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia

Mann iteration. History, results and applications

Stefan Maruster, West University of Timisoara