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location: DescriptionSESAME

SESAME Net - connecting SMESs and HPC centers

Project web page


SESAME Net aims to boost the usage of high performance computing technology by small and medium-sized enterprises. For small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) it is important to keep up to date with new technological developments in order to be able to compete within the global market. Technologies such as high performance computing (HPC) and the availability of HPC resources are becoming indispensable for better adaptation to market demands particularly in terms of innovation and fast renewal of product and service offerings. Unfortunately it is often difficult for SMEs to get access to essential HPC know-how and resources.


Main actions:


The initial SESAME network consists of 15 organisations, including companies, public research institutes and universities from 13 European countries (Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain and the United Kingdom). Leadership and coordination is taken by HPC Wales with support from Bangor University (UK).


8 March 2017: The HPC4SME Assessment Tool has been launched. The tool which is available at https://network.sesamenet.eu/ allows the companies to assess their own potential for the use of supercomputer technologies. In a few steps the company can verify, without any charge, whether it can benefit from use of High Performance Computing (HPC).

Press Release no. 1