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location: BioViktorianMiok

Viktorian Miok is currently finishing PhD in Statistics for Integrative Bioinformatics at the VU University Medical Center in Amsterdam. He is working on the joint project between the Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics and Department of Pathology in the group of Prof. Dr. Mark van de Wiel. He has obtained his master in Applied Statistics and Informatics, from West University of Timisoara.

His research interests cover a wide spectrum, including differential expression (multiple) testing, network estimation and omics integration modeling. During his PhD he was developing the methodology for integration of the longitudinal multilevel molecular high-dimensional omics data in order to identify consistently altered genes over time and to reconstruct gene-gene interaction networks.

BioViktorianMiok (last edited 2017-04-27 05:45:57 by DanielaZaharie)