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location: AbstractCarlesSanchezRamos

Title: Intelligent Operating Room for in vivo lung cancer diagnosis


In this talk I will explain how the actual bronchoscopic process are and which kind of Intelligent decision support systems we already have to provide to the doctors and improve the diagnostic yield. Also, I will expose next steps to be followed. The project is related to a TECNIOSpring grant program and is on behalf Computer Vision Center (CVC) in Barcelona and UVT-IeAT at Timisoara.

The project focuses on an Intelligent Operating Room for improving the yield of bronchoscopic interventions for in-vivo lung cancer diagnosis. Thus, it will demonstrate how distributed computing combined with specific local efficient implementations of existing experimental methods can be deployed into intelligent operating rooms able to support interventions without altering protocols. In particular, we aim to provide with a precise guidance of bronchoscopic procedures and the first system for in-vivo diagnosis of lung cancer.