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Revision 300 as of 2024-05-19 09:32:48
Size: 2974
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||Previous years: ||[[ScientificSeminar/2016|2016]]||[[ScientificSeminar/2015|2015]] ||[[ScientificSeminar/2014|2014]] ||[[ScientificSeminar/2013|2013]] ||[[ScientificSeminar/2012|2012]] ||[[ScientificSeminar/2011|2011]] ||[[ScientificSeminar/2010|2010]] ||[[ScientificSeminar/2009|2009]] ||[[ScientificSeminar/2008|2008]] ||[[ScientificSeminar/2007|2007]] ||[[ScientificSeminar/2006|2006]] ||[[ScientificSeminar/2005|2005]] || ||Previous years:|| [[ScientificSeminar/2023|2023]]||[[ScientificSeminar/2022|2022]]||[[ScientificSeminar/2021|2021]] ||[[ScientificSeminar/2020|2020]] ||[[ScientificSeminar/2019|2019]] ||[[ScientificSeminar/2018|2018]] ||[[ScientificSeminar/2017|2017]] ||[[ScientificSeminar/2016|2016]] ||[[ScientificSeminar/2015|2015]] ||[[ScientificSeminar/2014|2014]] ||[[ScientificSeminar/2013|2013]] ||[[ScientificSeminar/2012|2012]] ||[[ScientificSeminar/2011|2011]] ||[[ScientificSeminar/2010|2010]] ||[[ScientificSeminar/2009|2009]] ||[[ScientificSeminar/2008|2008]] ||[[ScientificSeminar/2007|2007]] ||[[ScientificSeminar/2006|2006]] ||[[ScientificSeminar/2005|2005]] ||
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(online meetings on Google Meet - https://meet.google.com/fim-ewxf-vdg)


[[MirceaPrejban|Pattern-driven malware detection in native executables based on control-flow graphs]]

Mircea Prejban, West University of Timisoara, Romania

 . May 29, 2024, 6PM, room 035 and online https://meet.google.com/fim-ewxf-vdg
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[[AbstractAlexandruPopa|The interference problem in multi-channel wireless networks]] [[MihaiTataran|The new Era of AI in the Microsoft Ecosystem]]
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Mihai Tataran, Avaelgo, Romania
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Alexandru Popa, University of Bucharest, Romania  . May 22, 2024, 6PM, room 035 and online https://meet.google.com/fim-ewxf-vdg
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 . October 11, 2017, 18:00, room 045C ----
[[AleksandreKhokhiashvili|Reversing Modern Binaries]]

Aleksandre Khokhiashvili, OtterSec

[[RebecaTonu|Challenges and hurdles of extracting Bitcoin transaction data to relational databases]]

Rebeca Tonu, West University of Timisoara, Romania

 . May 15, 2024, 6PM, room 035 and online https://meet.google.com/fim-ewxf-vdg
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The Impact of Autoscaling Polices on Web Workloads [[MariaGaudo|Heterogeneous systems: an approach using FPGAs as accelerators]]
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Maria Villarroya Gaudo, University of Zaragoza, Spain
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Mo'min I.M. Tabash, University of Pavia, Italy

 . June 7, 2017, 18:00, room 045C
 . April 10, 2024, 6PM (online https://meet.google.com/fim-ewxf-vdg)
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[[AbstractAncaVulpe|Scheduling data stream jobs on distributed systems with background load]] [[GuillermoPalacios|Virtual Reality in the Rehabilitation of patients. State of the art, research areas and future prospects]]
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Guillermo Palacios, University of Zaragoza, Spain
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Anca Vulpe, West University of Timisoara, Romania  . April 3, 2024, 6PM (room 035 and online https://meet.google.com/fim-ewxf-vdg)
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 . May 10, 2017, 18:00, room 045C
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[[AbstractViktorianMiok|Integrative modeling of time-course multi-level omics data from HPV-induced cervical carcinogenesis]]
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[[RuxandraStoean|Deep learning approaches for real-world settings: formulation, architecture, optimization]]
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[[BioViktorianMiok|Viktorian Miok]], VU University Medical Center in Amsterdam, The Netherlands Ruxandra Stoean, University of Craiova, Romania
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 . May 3, 2017, 18:00, room 045C  . March 20, 2024, 6PM (online https://meet.google.com/fim-ewxf-vdg)
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[[AbstractHakimBoumaza|The band spectrum of the periodic Airy-Schrödinger operator on the real line]] [[DiogenBabuc|A Custom-Based Deep Learning Architecture for Classifying Colorectal Polyps into Premalignant and Benign]]
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Diogen Babuc, West University of Timisoara, Romania
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''Hakim Boumaza'', Universite Paris XIII, France  . March 13, 2024, 6PM (room 035 and online https://meet.google.com/fim-ewxf-vdg)
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 . April 28, 2017, 9:40, room 104
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[[AbstractGuillameDucoffe|Revisiting Preferential Attachment with applications to Twitter]] Multi-Agent Systems in Various Domains and Applications
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Victor Bogdan, West University of Timisoara, Romania
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[[BioGuillameDucoffe|Guillaume Ducoffe]], INRIA Sophia Antipolis, France

 . April 26, 2017, 18:00, room 045C
 . March 6, 2024, 6PM (room 035 and online https://meet.google.com/fim-ewxf-vdg)
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[[AbstractSorinStratulat|Mechanizing induction reasoning for first-order logic with inductive definitions]] [[GabrielIstrate|Conway's Army Percolation]]
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Gabriel Istrate, Mihai Prunescu, University of Bucharest
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''Sorin Stratulat'', University of Lorraine, Metz, France  . January 22, 2024, 6PM (room 130 and online https://meet.google.com/fim-ewxf-vdg)
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 . April 12, 2017, 18:00, room 045C
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[[AbstractAdrianSpataru|Using Cluster Information to Predict Individual Customer Energy Consumption]]

''Adrian Spataru'', West University of Timisoara, Romania

 . April 5, 2017, 18:00, room 045C


[[AbstractTeodoraSelea|Empirical Evaluation of Numerical Mathematical Libraries]]

''Teodora Selea, Oana Brandibur'', Universitatea de Vest din Timisoara, Romania

 . March 22, 2017, 18:00, room 045C


[[AbstractValeriuBeiu|Deciphering the Low Level Reliability Schemes of the Brain]]


[[BioValeriuBeiu|Valeriu Beiu]], Universitatea Aurel Vlaicu, Arad, Romania

 . March 8, 2017, 18:00, room 045C

Previous years:




















(online meetings on Google Meet - https://meet.google.com/fim-ewxf-vdg)


Pattern-driven malware detection in native executables based on control-flow graphs

Mircea Prejban, West University of Timisoara, Romania

The new Era of AI in the Microsoft Ecosystem

Mihai Tataran, Avaelgo, Romania

Reversing Modern Binaries

Aleksandre Khokhiashvili, OtterSec

Challenges and hurdles of extracting Bitcoin transaction data to relational databases

Rebeca Tonu, West University of Timisoara, Romania

Heterogeneous systems: an approach using FPGAs as accelerators

Maria Villarroya Gaudo, University of Zaragoza, Spain

Virtual Reality in the Rehabilitation of patients. State of the art, research areas and future prospects

Guillermo Palacios, University of Zaragoza, Spain

Deep learning approaches for real-world settings: formulation, architecture, optimization

Ruxandra Stoean, University of Craiova, Romania

A Custom-Based Deep Learning Architecture for Classifying Colorectal Polyps into Premalignant and Benign

Diogen Babuc, West University of Timisoara, Romania

Multi-Agent Systems in Various Domains and Applications

Victor Bogdan, West University of Timisoara, Romania

Conway's Army Percolation

Gabriel Istrate, Mihai Prunescu, University of Bucharest

ScientificSeminar (last edited 2024-05-29 06:16:35 by DanielaZaharie)