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||Previous years: || [[Publications/2013|2013]] || [[Publications/2012|2012]] || [[Publications/2011|2011]] ||[[Publications/2010|2010]]||[[Publications/2009|2009]]||[[Publications/2008|2008]]||[[Publications/2007|2007]]||[[Publications/2006|2006]]||[[Publications/2005|2005]]|| Previous years (20xx):
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== Recent Publications == || [[Publications/2019|19]] || [[Publications/2018|18]] ||[[Publications/2017|17]] || [[Publications/2016|16]] ||[[Publications/2015|15]] ||
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==== Books/Chapter in books ====

  * D. Petcu, Building Automatic Clouds with an Open-source and Deployable Platform-as-a-service, Advances in Parallel Computing, Volume 23: Cloud Computing and Big Data, eds. Charlie Catlett, Wolfgang Gentzsch, Lucio Grandinetti, Gerhard Joubert, Jos Luis Vazquez-Poletti, 978-1-61499-321-6 (print) | 978-1-61499-322-3 (online) pages 3-19, doi: 10.3233/978-1-61499-322-3-3

  * R. Cossu, C. Di Giulio, F. Brito and D. Petcu, Cloud Computing for Earth Observation, in Data Intensive Storage Services for Cloud Environments, ed. Dimosthenis Kyriazis, Athanasios Voulodimos, Spyridon V. Gogouvitis and Theodora Varvarigou, 166-191 (2013), doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-3934-8.ch012

  * D. Petcu, M. Rak, Open-Source Cloudware Support for the Portability of Applications Using Cloud Infrastructure Services, In Z. Mahmood (ed.), Cloud Computing: Methods and Practical Approaches, Computer Communications and Networks, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4471-5107-4 15, Springer-Verlag, London, 2013, 323-341

  * C. Pungila and V. Negru, Towards Building Efficient Malware Detection Engines Using Hybrid CPU/GPU-Accelerated Approaches, Architectures and Protocols for Secure Information Technology, IGI Global, pp. 237-264 2013

== 2020 ==
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  * A. Copie, T. F. Fortis, V. I. Munteanu, Datastores in Cloud Governance, International Journal of Computers, Communications & Control 8 1 38, 2013, CCC Publications

  * D. Petcu, G. Macariu, S. Panica, C. Craciun, Portable Cloud Applications - from Theory to Practice, Future Generation Computer Systems 29, issue 6 (2013), pp. 1417-1430 ISSN: 0167-739X, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.future.2012.01.009 on-line from Jan 2012 (Impact factor: 1.864, Citations: 18).

  * V. Stankovski, D. Petcu, Developing a Model Driven Approach for engineering applications based on mOSAIC, Journal of Cluster Computing, ISBN 1386-7857, doi: 10.1007/s10586-013-0263-x Springer US, 2013 (Impact factor: 0.776)

  * D. Petcu, S. Panica, C. Craciun, M. Neagul, C. Sandru, Cloud resource orchestration within an open-source componentbased platform as a service, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, doi: 10.1002/cpe.3175, on-line 22 Nov 2013 (Impact factor: 0.845)

  * D. Petcu, B. Di Martino, S. Venticinque, M. Rak, T. Mhr, G. Esnal Lopez, F. Brito, R. Cossu, M. Stopar, S. Sperka, V. Stankovski, Experiences in Building a mOSAIC of Clouds, Journal of Cloud Computing: Advances, Systems and Applications 2013, Vol. 2, Issue 1, 2:12, Springer, ISSN: 2192-113X, on-line May 2013, doi: 10.1186/2192-113X-2-12

  * C. Pungila, M. Reja and V. Negru, Efficient Parallel Automata Construction for Hybrid Resource-Impelled Data-Matching, Special Issue on Intelligent Big Data Processing, Future Generation Computer Systems (Elsevier, 5-Year Impact Factor: 2.033), ISSN: 0167-739X, 2013
 1. Turcu, F., Bonchiș C., Najim M. Vector partitions, multi-dimensional Faà di Bruno formulae and generating algorithms. Discrete Applied Mathematics, vol 272(2020), pp. 90-99, Elsevier.
 1. Balogh, J., Bonchiş C., Diniş D., Istrate G., Todinca I. On the heapability of finite partial orders. Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, vol 22, no 1 (2020), paper #17.
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  * A. Copie, F.T. Fortis, V. Munteanu, From Cloud Governance to IoT Governance, In Proceedings of 27th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops, WAINA 2013, Barcelona, Spain, March 25-28, 2013. s.l.: IEEE Computer Society, 2013. pp. 1229-1234.

  * A. Copie, T. F. Fortis, V. I. Munteanu, Data security perspectives in the framework of cloud governance, Euro-Par 2012: Parallel Processing Workshops, 24-33, 2013, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

  * A. Copie, T. F. Fortis, V. I. Munteanu, Benchmarking Cloud Databases for the Requirements of the Internet of Things, In Proceedings of ITI 2013, pp. 77-82

  * G. Iuhasz, V. I. Munteanu, V. Negru, A Survey of Adaptive Game AI: Considerations for Cloud Deployment, In Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Intelligent Distributed Computing - IDC, 309-315, 2013, Springer International Publishing.

  * C. Mindruta, F. Fortis, A Semantic Registry for Cloud Services, In Proceedings of 27th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops, WAINA 2013, Barcelona, Spain, March 25-28, 2013. s.l.: IEEE Computer Society, 2013. pp. 1247-1252.

  * C. Mindruta, F. Fortis, A Semantic Registry for Cloud Services. In Proceedings of 27th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops, WAINA 2013, Barcelona, Spain, March 25-28, 2013. s.l.: IEEE Computer Society, 2013. pp. 1247-1252.

  * V. Munteanu, F.Fortis, A.Copie, Supporting Cloud Governance through Technologies and Standards, In Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Intelligent Distributed Computing, IDC 2013, Prague, Czech Republic, September 201. s.l.: Springer, 2014. Vol. 511. pp. 271-280.

  * V. I. Munteanu, T. F. Fortis, V. Negru, An evolutionary approach for SLA-based cloud resource provisioning, In Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE 27th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, 506-513, 2013, IEEE Computer Society.

  * D. Petcu, Multi-Cloud: expectations and current approaches. In Proceedings of the 2013 international workshop on Multicloud applications and federated clouds (MultiCloud '13). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 1-6. doi: 10.1145/2462326.2462328, 2013 (citations: 1)

  * C. Marinescu, D. Petcu, Quality Assessment in the Cloud: Is It Worthwhile?, 2013 17th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR), pp.453-456, 5-8 March 2013 doi: 10.1109/CSMR.2013.70

  * A. Edmonds, T. Metsch, D. Petcu, E. Elmroth, J. Marshall, P. Ganchosov, FluidCloud: An Open Framework for Relocation of Cloud Services, In Proceedings USENIX ATC, 24-28 June, 2013, San Jose.

  * D. Petcu, On the Interoperability in Multiple Clouds. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science, CLOSER 2013, 581-590, 2013, DOI: 10.5220/0004503105810590

  * C. Pungila, Hybrid Compression of the Aho-Corasick Automaton for Static Analysis in Intrusion Detection Systems, International Joint Conference CISIS12-ICEUTE12-SOCO12 Special Sessions, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol. 189, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, 10.1007/978-3-642-33018-6 8, pp. 77-86

  * C. Pungila and V. Negru, Real-Time Polymorphic Aho-Corasick Automata for Heterogeneous Malicious Code Detection, International Joint Conference SOCO’13-CISIS’13-ICEUTE’13, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol. 239, pp. 439-448, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, 10.1007/978-3-319-01854-6 45

  * D. Zaharie, L. Moatar-Moleriu, V. Negru - Particularities of Evolutionary Parameter Estimation in Multi-stage Compartmental Models of Thymocyte Dynamics, GECCO’13, July 6–10, 2013, Amsterdam, pg. 303-310
 1. Istrate G., Bonchiș C., Gatina C. It's not whom you know, it's what you (or your friends) can do: Coalitional Frameworks for Network Centralities. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, AAMAS'2020, pp. 566-574. IFAAMAS and ACM Press.
 1. Besik Dundua, Temur Kutsia, Mircea Marin and Cleopatra Pau. Constraint Solving over Multiple Similarity Relations. In Proceedings of 5-th International Conference on Formal Structures for Computation and Deduction (FSCD 2020). In print.
 1. Mircea Marin, Besik Dundua and Temur Kutsia. A Rule-based System for Computation and Deduction in Mathematica. In Proceedings of 13-th International Workshop on Rewriting Logic And Its Applications (WRA 2020). In print.
 1. B. Dundua, T. Kutsia, M. Marin, C. Pau. Extending the \rho Log calculus with proximity relations. In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Applications of Mathematics and Informatics in Natural Sciences and Engineering (AMINSE 2019), Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics. In print.
 1. B. Dundua, T. Kutsia, M. Marin, and M. Rukhaia. Specification and Analysis of ABAC Policies in a Rule-Based Framework. In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Applications of Mathematics and Informatics in Natural Sciences and Engineering (AMINSE 2019), Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics. In print.
 1. K. Chandrasekaran, E. Grigorescu, G. Istrate, S. Kulkarni, Y.-S. Lin, M. Zhu. The Maximum Binary Tree Problem. Proceedings of the 28th European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA'2020), LIPICS - Leibniz Proceedings in Computer Science (to appear).

Previous years (20xx):

















Journal papers

  1. Turcu, F., Bonchiș C., Najim M. Vector partitions, multi-dimensional Faà di Bruno formulae and generating algorithms. Discrete Applied Mathematics, vol 272(2020), pp. 90-99, Elsevier.
  2. Balogh, J., Bonchiş C., Diniş D., Istrate G., Todinca I. On the heapability of finite partial orders. Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, vol 22, no 1 (2020), paper #17.

Conference papers

  1. Istrate G., Bonchiș C., Gatina C. It's not whom you know, it's what you (or your friends) can do: Coalitional Frameworks for Network Centralities. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, AAMAS'2020, pp. 566-574. IFAAMAS and ACM Press.
  2. Besik Dundua, Temur Kutsia, Mircea Marin and Cleopatra Pau. Constraint Solving over Multiple Similarity Relations. In Proceedings of 5-th International Conference on Formal Structures for Computation and Deduction (FSCD 2020). In print.
  3. Mircea Marin, Besik Dundua and Temur Kutsia. A Rule-based System for Computation and Deduction in Mathematica. In Proceedings of 13-th International Workshop on Rewriting Logic And Its Applications (WRA 2020). In print.
  4. B. Dundua, T. Kutsia, M. Marin, C. Pau. Extending the \rho Log calculus with proximity relations. In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Applications of Mathematics and Informatics in Natural Sciences and Engineering (AMINSE 2019), Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics. In print.

  5. B. Dundua, T. Kutsia, M. Marin, and M. Rukhaia. Specification and Analysis of ABAC Policies in a Rule-Based Framework. In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Applications of Mathematics and Informatics in Natural Sciences and Engineering (AMINSE 2019), Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics. In print.

  6. K. Chandrasekaran, E. Grigorescu, G. Istrate, S. Kulkarni, Y.-S. Lin, M. Zhu. The Maximum Binary Tree Problem. Proceedings of the 28th European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA'2020), LIPICS - Leibniz Proceedings in Computer Science (to appear).

Publications (last edited 2024-02-24 11:37:59 by DanielaZaharie)