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||Previous years: ||[[Publications/2009|2009]]||[[Publications/2008|2008]]||[[Publications/2007|2007]]||[[Publications/2006|2006]]||[[Publications/2005|2005]]||
== Recent Publications ==

==== Books Chapters ====

  * Braescu, L.; Epure, S., Titlu:Mathematical and numerical analysis of capillarity problems and processes,Chapter in Wiley-Blackwell Book: Crystal growth processes based on capillarity: Czochralski, floating zone, shaping and crucible techniques, pg. 465-524, 2010
  * Braescu, L., Mass and heat transport in Bridgman-Stockbarger and edge-defined film-fed growth systems, Chapter in Springer Handbook of Crystal Growth, Defects and Characterization, pg. 1379-1402, 2010.

  * D. Zaharie, D. Lungeanu, F. Zamfirache - Interactive Search of Rules in Medical Data Using Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms, chapter in Genetic and Evolutionary Computation: Medical Applications, Stephen Smith and Stefano Cagnoni (eds), John Wiley & Sons, 2010, pp 133-148

==== Journal Publications ====

   * A.M.Balint, St.Balint - Second order nonlinear differential equations describing convex equilibrium surfaces, Mathematics in Engineering, Science and Aerospace 1(2), (2010) 1-16

   * St.Balint, A.M. Balint and R.Szabo - Nonlinear boundary value problem for concave capillary surface occurring in single crystal ribbon growth from the melt, Nonlinear Studies 17(1) (2010) 57-68
Previous years (20xx):
||[[Publications/2021|2021]] ||
||[[Publications/2020|2020]] ||[[Publications/2019|2019]] ||[[Publications/2018|2018]] ||[[Publications/2017|2017]] ||[[Publications/2016|2016]] ||
||[[Publications/2015|2015]] ||[[Publications/2014|2014]] ||[[Publications/2013|2013]] ||[[Publications/2012|2012]] ||[[Publications/2011|2011]] ||
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   * St.Balint, A.M.Balint and M.Darau - Linear stability analysis of the uniform mean flow in a rectangular lined duct with respect to normal modes type initial perturbations- Applied Mathematical Modelling(2010) doi:10.1016/j.apm.2010.07.054
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   * St.Balint, L.Tanasie- Determination of the angles appearing in the system which describes the dynamics of the outer and inner radius of a tube, grown by the edge-defined film-fed growth (E.F.G.) technique, Nonlinear Analysis – Real World 11(5)(2010) 4043-4053
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   * A.M.Balint and St.Balint – Dynamics and control of the shape and size of a sitting drop-like meniscus, occurring in single crystal growth –J. Franklin Institute 347 (2010) 30–52 == 2023 ==
==== Journal papers ====
 1. Cerdà-Alabern L, '''Iuhasz G.''', Gemmi G, Anomaly detection for fault detection in wireless community networks using machine learning, Computer Communications, 2023
 1. Das, S., Mahato, S.K., Mondal, A., '''Kaslik, E.''', Emergence of diverse dynamical responses in a fractional-order slow–fast pest–predator model, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2023
 1. Istrate, G., '''Bonchiş, C.''', A parametric worst-case approach to fairness in cooperative games with transferable utility, Theoretical Computer Science 940, pp. 189-205, 2023
 1. Iuhasz, G., Panica, S., Duma, A., Cycle Detection and Clustering for Cyber Physical Systems, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 655 LNNS, pp. 100-114, 2023
 1. Faragó, P., '''Ștefănigă, S.-A.''', Cordoș, C.-G., (...), Perju-Dumbravă, L., Ileșan, R.R., CNN-Based Identification of Parkinson’s Disease from Continuous Speech in Noisy Environments, Bioengineering, 10(5),531, 2023
 1. '''R. Urechiatu''', M. Frincu, O. Vaduvescu, C. Boldea, Automated Asteroid Detection by using an Ensemble ML Method, Romanian Astronomical Journal.
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   * St.Balint and A.M.Balint - Inequalities for single crystal rod growth by edge-defined film-fed growth (E.F.G.) technique, J. Mathematical Analysis and Applications 362 (2010) 231–240 ==== Conference papers ====
 1. E. Flondor, M. Frincu, Analysing Android Apps Classification and Categories Validation by using Latent Dirichlet Allocation, Procs. ICCCI.
 1. M. Frincu, S. Frincu, M. Penteliuc, Challenges and Solutions in Transliterating 19th Century Romanian Texts from the Transitional to the Latin Script, Procs. LDK (http://2023.ldk-conf.org/accepted-papers/).
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   * St.Balint, A.M. Balint, E.Kaslik - Existence of oscillatory solutions along the path of longitudinalflight equilibria of an unmanned aircraft, when the automatic flight control system fails, J. Mathematical Analysis and Applications 363 (2010) 366–382 == 2022 ==
==== Journal papers ====
 1. Brandibur, O., '''Kaslik E.''', Stability Analysis for a Fractional-Order Coupled FitzHugh–Nagumo-Type Neuronal Model, Fractal and Fractional 6 (5), 257, 2022
 1. L Bîrdac, '''E Kaslik''', '''R Mureşan''', Dynamics of a Reduced System Connected to the Investigation of an Infinite Network of Identical Theta Neurons, Mathematics 10 (18), 3245, 2022
 1. Camino, C., Diekert, V., Dundua, B., '''Marin, M.''', Senizergues, G., REGULAR MATCHING PROBLEMS FOR INFINITE TREES, Logical Methods in Computer Science 18(1),38, 2022
 1. GV Cozma, '''D Onchis''', C Istin, IA Petrache, Explainable Machine Learning Solution for Observing Optimal Surgery Timings in Thoracic Cancer Diagnosis, Applied Sciences, 12, 6506, 2022
 1. Culda, L.C., '''Kaslik, E.''', Neamţu, M., Stability and bifurcations in a general Cournot duopoly model with distributed time delays, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 162,112424, 2022
 1. Damian L.R., Dumitrescu R, Alexa VT, Focht D, Schwartz C, Balean O, Jumanca D, Obistioiu D, Lalescu D, '''Stefaniga SA''', Berbecea A, Fratila AD, Scurtu AD, Galuscan A, Impact of Dentistry Materials on Chemical Remineralisation/Infiltration versus Salivary Remineralisation of Enamel—In Vitro Study, Materials 15 (20), 7258, 2022
 1. '''Frincu M.''', '''Penteliuc M.''', '''Spataru A.''', A solar radiation forecast platform spanning over the edge-cloud continuum, Electronics 11 (17), 2756, 2022
 1. '''Kaslik E''', Rădulescu IR, Stability and bifurcations in fractional-order gene regulatory networks, Applied Mathematics and Computation 421, 126916, 2022
 1. '''Kaslik, E.''', Kokovics, E.-A., Rădulescu, A., Stability and bifurcations in Wilson-Cowan systems with distributed delays, and an application to basal ganglia interactions, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 104,105984,2022
 1. '''Onchis D''', Istin C, '''Hogea E''', A Neuro-Symbolic Classifier with Optimized Satisfiability for Monitoring Security Alerts in Network Traffic, Applied Sciences, 12, 22, 2022
 1. '''Valcan S''', '''Gaianu M''', CUDA Implementation For Eye Location On Infrared Images, Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience 23 (1), 1-8, 2022
 1. Secasan CC, '''Onchis D''', Bardan R, Cumpanas A, Novacescu D, Botoca C, Dema A, Sporea I, Artificial Intelligence System for Predicting Prostate Cancer Lesions from Shear Wave Elastography Measurements, Current Oncology, 2022
 1. Sénizergues G, '''Marin M''', Dundua B, Diekert V, Camino C, Regular matching problems for infinite trees, Logical Methods in Computer Science 18, 2022
 1. Stolojescu-Crisan, C., '''Butunoi, B.-P.''', Crisan, C., An IoT Based Smart Irrigation System, IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine, 11(3), pp. 50-58, 2022
 1. Stolojescu-Crisan, C., Crisan, C., '''Butunoi, B.-P.''', Access control and surveillance in a smart home, High-Confidence Computing, 2(1),100036, 2022
 1. Valcan, S., Gaianu, M., CUDA Implementation for Eye Location on Infrared Images, Scalable Computing, 23(1), pp. 1-8, 2022
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   * St.Balint, E.Kaslik, A.M.Balint - Numerical analysis of the oscillation susceptibility along the path of the longitudinal flight equilibria, in the case of the ALFLEX reentry vehicle, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 11 (2010) 1953-1962

   * M.E. Frincu, D. Petcu, OSyRIS: a Nature Inspired Workflow Engine for Service Oriented Environments, Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience, Volume 11, Number 1, ISSN 1895-1767, 2010, 81–97

   * D. Gorgan, V. Bacu, D. Rodila, F. Pop and D. Petcu, Experiments on ESIP - Environment oriented satellite data processing platform, Earth Science Informatics, Vol. 3, no. 4, December 2010, DOI: 10.1007/s12145-010-0065-0, ISSN 1865-0473

  * E. Kaslik, St. Balint. Existence of oscillatory solutions in longitudinal flight dynamics - I. J. Non- Linear Mechanics , 45(2), (2010) 159-168.

  * E.Kaslik, St.Balint - Existence of heteroclinic orbits in simplified longitudinal flight dynamics – J.Math. Analysis and Applications, 373(1)(2011)94-101

  * D. Petcu, S. Panica, M. Neagul, M. Frincu, D. Zaharie, R. Ciorba, A. Dinis, Earth Observation Data Processing in Distributed Systems, Informatica 34 (2010) ,463–476

  * L.Tanasie and St.Balint - Model based, pulling rate, thermal and capillary conditions setting for silicon tube growth - Journal of Crystal Growth- in press (2010) doi: 10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2010.09.002

  * F. Zamfirache, D. Zaharie, C. Craciun – Nature inspired metaheuristics for task scheduling in static and dynamic computing environments, Scientific Bulletin of Politehnica University of Timisoara, Transactions on Automatic Control and Computer Science, vol 55(69), nr. 3, pp. 133-142, 2010

==== Conference Publications ====

   * L. Braescu, “Influence of the dewetting phenomenon on the zinc distribution in CdZnTe crystals grown by dewetted Bridgman technique,” in SPIE-Optics and Photonics 2010, (San Diego, California, USA, 2010), Proceedings of the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers 7781, pp. 77810A-1-10 (2010).

  * E. Kaslik, S. Sivasundaram. Impulsive hybrid synchronization of chaotic discrete-time delayed neural networks. Proceedings of WCCI 2010 - IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, Barcelona, Spain, July 18-23, 2010, IEEE Computer Society Press, 2010, 2359{2366.
  * D. Petcu, Identifying Cloud Computing Usage Patterns, 2010 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing, Workshops, IEEE Computer Press.

  * D. Petcu, G. Macariu, A. Carstea, M.E. Frincu, Service-Oriented Symbolic Computing. Chapter 15 in Handbook of Research on P2P and Grid Systems for Service-Oriented Computing: Models, Methodologies and Applications, Eds. N. Antonopoulos, G. Exarchakos, A. Liotta, M. Li, ISBN: 978-1-61520-686-5, Information Science Reference, January 2010, pp. 1053-1075

  * D.Petcu, From Grid Computing towards Sky Computing. Case study for Earth Observation, Invited talk at CGW 2010 - Cracow Grid Workshop, October 11-13, 2010

  * D. Petcu, D. Zaharie, S. Panica, M. Frincu, M. Neagul, D. Gorgan, and T. Stefanut, Grid-based platform for training in Earth Observation, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 12, EGU2010-6713-1, 2010

  * D. Petcu, D. Zaharie, D. Gorgan, S. Panica, M. Neagul, M. Frincu, V. Bacu, T. Stefanut, On demand Grid services for training in Earth Observation, 5th EGEE User Forum / Contributions book, 68-69.

  *D. Petcu, S. Panica, M. Neagul, M. Frincu, D. Zaharie, D. Gorgan, T. Stefanut, V. Bacu, GiSHEO: On-line Platform for Training in Earth Observation, ICVL 2010: 5th International Conf. on Virtual Learning, Targu Mures, October 2010, Procs., M. Vlada, G. Albeanu, D.M. Popovici (eds.), Bucharest University Press, ISSN 1844-8933, pp. 290-297

  * S. Panica, M. Neagul, D. Petcu, Processing remote sensing images on a Grid-based platform, ICWI2010: IADIS Int. Conference WWW/Internet 2010, Timisoara, October 2010, Procs., B. White, P. Isaias, D. Andone (eds). pp. 397-399

  * F. Zamfirache, M. Frincu, D. Zaharie – Population based Metaheuristics for Tasks Scheduling in Heterogenous Distributed Systems, in I.Dimov, S. Dimova, N. Kolkovska (eds), Proc. of NMA 2010 Conference, LNCS 6046, pg. 321-327, 2011.

  * Zamfirache, F., Zaharie, D., Crǎciun, C. - Evolutionary task scheduling in static and dynamic environments, ICCC-CONTI 2010 - IEEE International Joint Conferences on Computational Cybernetics and Technical Informatics, Proceedings, art. no. 5491336, pp. 619-624, 2010
==== Conference papers ====
 1. Brandibur, O., '''Kaslik E.''', Stability Results for Two-Term Fractional-Order Difference Equations, International workshop on Advanced Theory and Applications of Fractional Calculus, pp 225-230, 2022
 1. Brandibur, O., '''Kaslik, E.''', Stability Results for Two-Term Fractional-Order Difference Equations, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 452 LNNS, pp. 225-230, 2022
 1. '''Dramnesc I''', T Jebelean, E Abraham, G Kusper, S Stratulat, ARC: An Educational Project on Automated Reasoning in the Class, EdMedia+ Innovate Learning, 934-943, 2022
 1. '''Drămnesc I''', E Ábrahám, T Jebelean, G Kusper, S Stratulat, Experiments with Automated Reasoning in the Class, International Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics, 287-304, 2022
 1. '''Eraşcu, M.''', Mladenovici, V.,Transferring Learning into the Workplace: Evaluating a Student-centered Learning Approach through Computer Science Students’ Lens, International Conference on Computer Supported Education, CSEDU - Proceedings 2, pp. 442-449, 2022
 1. '''Galiș, D.''', '''Pungilă, C.''', '''Negru, V.''', A Fast NDFA-Based Approach to Approximate Pattern-Matching for Plagiarism Detection in Blockchain-Driven NFTs, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 13428 LNCS, pp. 53-58, 2022
 1. '''Istrate G.''', '''Bonchiş C.''', '''Crãciun A.''', Compositionality and Proof Complexity, Structure Meets Power Workshop (Contributed Talks), 44, 2022
 1. '''Istrate G.''', '''Bonchiş C.''', Being Central on the Cheap: Stability in Heterogeneous Multiagent Centrality Games, Proceedings of AAMAS'22, the 21st International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, pp. 651-659, 2022
 1. '''Mitran M. A.''', A Theoretical Analysis on the Bound Violation Probability in Differential Evolution Algorithm, Proceedings of Numerical Methods and Applications - 10th International Conference, NMA 2022, Borovets, Bulgaria, August 22–26, 2022, LNCS, volume 13858, pp. 233-245.
 1. '''Spătaru A.''', '''Iuhasz G.''', '''Panica S.''', TUFA: A TOSCA extension for the specification of accelerator-aware applications in the Cloud Continuum - 2022 IEEE 46th Annual Computers, Software, and Applications Conference (COMPSAC), pp. 1178-1183, 2022
 1. Slim H, Belouadah A, Popescu A, '''Onchis D''', Dataset Knowledge Transfer for Class-Incremental Learning without Memory, Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, pp 483-492, 2022

Previous years (20xx):


















Journal papers

  1. Cerdà-Alabern L, Iuhasz G., Gemmi G, Anomaly detection for fault detection in wireless community networks using machine learning, Computer Communications, 2023

  2. Das, S., Mahato, S.K., Mondal, A., Kaslik, E., Emergence of diverse dynamical responses in a fractional-order slow–fast pest–predator model, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2023

  3. Istrate, G., Bonchiş, C., A parametric worst-case approach to fairness in cooperative games with transferable utility, Theoretical Computer Science 940, pp. 189-205, 2023

  4. Iuhasz, G., Panica, S., Duma, A., Cycle Detection and Clustering for Cyber Physical Systems, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 655 LNNS, pp. 100-114, 2023
  5. Faragó, P., Ștefănigă, S.-A., Cordoș, C.-G., (...), Perju-Dumbravă, L., Ileșan, R.R., CNN-Based Identification of Parkinson’s Disease from Continuous Speech in Noisy Environments, Bioengineering, 10(5),531, 2023

  6. R. Urechiatu, M. Frincu, O. Vaduvescu, C. Boldea, Automated Asteroid Detection by using an Ensemble ML Method, Romanian Astronomical Journal.

Conference papers

  1. E. Flondor, M. Frincu, Analysing Android Apps Classification and Categories Validation by using Latent Dirichlet Allocation, Procs. ICCCI.
  2. M. Frincu, S. Frincu, M. Penteliuc, Challenges and Solutions in Transliterating 19th Century Romanian Texts from the Transitional to the Latin Script, Procs. LDK (http://2023.ldk-conf.org/accepted-papers/).


Journal papers

  1. Brandibur, O., Kaslik E., Stability Analysis for a Fractional-Order Coupled FitzHugh–Nagumo-Type Neuronal Model, Fractal and Fractional 6 (5), 257, 2022

  2. L Bîrdac, E Kaslik, R Mureşan, Dynamics of a Reduced System Connected to the Investigation of an Infinite Network of Identical Theta Neurons, Mathematics 10 (18), 3245, 2022

  3. Camino, C., Diekert, V., Dundua, B., Marin, M., Senizergues, G., REGULAR MATCHING PROBLEMS FOR INFINITE TREES, Logical Methods in Computer Science 18(1),38, 2022

  4. GV Cozma, D Onchis, C Istin, IA Petrache, Explainable Machine Learning Solution for Observing Optimal Surgery Timings in Thoracic Cancer Diagnosis, Applied Sciences, 12, 6506, 2022

  5. Culda, L.C., Kaslik, E., Neamţu, M., Stability and bifurcations in a general Cournot duopoly model with distributed time delays, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 162,112424, 2022

  6. Damian L.R., Dumitrescu R, Alexa VT, Focht D, Schwartz C, Balean O, Jumanca D, Obistioiu D, Lalescu D, Stefaniga SA, Berbecea A, Fratila AD, Scurtu AD, Galuscan A, Impact of Dentistry Materials on Chemical Remineralisation/Infiltration versus Salivary Remineralisation of Enamel—In Vitro Study, Materials 15 (20), 7258, 2022

  7. Frincu M., Penteliuc M., Spataru A., A solar radiation forecast platform spanning over the edge-cloud continuum, Electronics 11 (17), 2756, 2022

  8. Kaslik E, Rădulescu IR, Stability and bifurcations in fractional-order gene regulatory networks, Applied Mathematics and Computation 421, 126916, 2022

  9. Kaslik, E., Kokovics, E.-A., Rădulescu, A., Stability and bifurcations in Wilson-Cowan systems with distributed delays, and an application to basal ganglia interactions, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 104,105984,2022

  10. Onchis D, Istin C, Hogea E, A Neuro-Symbolic Classifier with Optimized Satisfiability for Monitoring Security Alerts in Network Traffic, Applied Sciences, 12, 22, 2022

  11. Valcan S, Gaianu M, CUDA Implementation For Eye Location On Infrared Images, Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience 23 (1), 1-8, 2022


  13. Secasan CC, Onchis D, Bardan R, Cumpanas A, Novacescu D, Botoca C, Dema A, Sporea I, Artificial Intelligence System for Predicting Prostate Cancer Lesions from Shear Wave Elastography Measurements, Current Oncology, 2022

  14. Sénizergues G, Marin M, Dundua B, Diekert V, Camino C, Regular matching problems for infinite trees, Logical Methods in Computer Science 18, 2022

  15. Stolojescu-Crisan, C., Butunoi, B.-P., Crisan, C., An IoT Based Smart Irrigation System, IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine, 11(3), pp. 50-58, 2022

  16. Stolojescu-Crisan, C., Crisan, C., Butunoi, B.-P., Access control and surveillance in a smart home, High-Confidence Computing, 2(1),100036, 2022

  17. Valcan, S., Gaianu, M., CUDA Implementation for Eye Location on Infrared Images, Scalable Computing, 23(1), pp. 1-8, 2022

Conference papers

  1. Brandibur, O., Kaslik E., Stability Results for Two-Term Fractional-Order Difference Equations, International workshop on Advanced Theory and Applications of Fractional Calculus, pp 225-230, 2022

  2. Brandibur, O., Kaslik, E., Stability Results for Two-Term Fractional-Order Difference Equations, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 452 LNNS, pp. 225-230, 2022

  3. Dramnesc I, T Jebelean, E Abraham, G Kusper, S Stratulat, ARC: An Educational Project on Automated Reasoning in the Class, EdMedia+ Innovate Learning, 934-943, 2022

  4. Drămnesc I, E Ábrahám, T Jebelean, G Kusper, S Stratulat, Experiments with Automated Reasoning in the Class, International Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics, 287-304, 2022


  6. Eraşcu, M., Mladenovici, V.,Transferring Learning into the Workplace: Evaluating a Student-centered Learning Approach through Computer Science Students’ Lens, International Conference on Computer Supported Education, CSEDU - Proceedings 2, pp. 442-449, 2022

  7. Galiș, D., Pungilă, C., Negru, V., A Fast NDFA-Based Approach to Approximate Pattern-Matching for Plagiarism Detection in Blockchain-Driven NFTs, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 13428 LNCS, pp. 53-58, 2022

  8. Istrate G., Bonchiş C., Crãciun A., Compositionality and Proof Complexity, Structure Meets Power Workshop (Contributed Talks), 44, 2022

  9. Istrate G., Bonchiş C., Being Central on the Cheap: Stability in Heterogeneous Multiagent Centrality Games, Proceedings of AAMAS'22, the 21st International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, pp. 651-659, 2022

  10. Mitran M. A., A Theoretical Analysis on the Bound Violation Probability in Differential Evolution Algorithm, Proceedings of Numerical Methods and Applications - 10th International Conference, NMA 2022, Borovets, Bulgaria, August 22–26, 2022, LNCS, volume 13858, pp. 233-245.

  11. Spătaru A., Iuhasz G., Panica S., TUFA: A TOSCA extension for the specification of accelerator-aware applications in the Cloud Continuum - 2022 IEEE 46th Annual Computers, Software, and Applications Conference (COMPSAC), pp. 1178-1183, 2022

  12. Slim H, Belouadah A, Popescu A, Onchis D, Dataset Knowledge Transfer for Class-Incremental Learning without Memory, Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, pp 483-492, 2022

Publications (last edited 2024-02-24 11:37:59 by DanielaZaharie)