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Former Projects (2005-2012)

International Projects

HOST - High Performance Computing Service Centre, FP7 REGPOT-2011-1, 2012-2014

SCAPE – Scalability in preservation environments, FP7, 2013-2014

EGI-Inspire - Integrated Sustainable Pan European Infrastructure for Researchers in Europe, FP7-RI, 2010-2014

HP-SEE - High Performance Computing Infrastructure for South East Europe's Research Communities, FP7-RI, 2010-2012

SPRERS - Strengthening the Participation of Romania at European R&D in Software Services, FP7-CSA, 2010-2011,

Infra Grid – Service oriented Grid Infrastructure, EU Structural funds, 2009-2011

SEE-Grid-Sci – SEE Grid Infrastructure for Regional eScience, FP7-eRI, 2007-2010

EGEE-III – Enabling Grids for eScience, FP7 INFSO RI, 2008-2010

Gisheo – On Demand Grid Services for High Education and Training in Earth Observation, ESA PECS, 2008-2010

VISP – Virtual Internet Service Provider, FP6 STREP, 2005-2009

EGEE-II – Enabling Grids for eScience, FP7 INFSO RI, 2006-2008

Bilateral Projects

Sci Com - Scientific Computing Platform. Bilateral project Romania-Austria, 2009-2010

National Projects

Asistsys – Integrated System of Assistance for Patients with Severe Neuromotor Affections, RO-PNII, 2008-2011

SCIPA – Semantic Software Services for Collaboration and Inter-operability for Adaptive Business Processes, RO-PNII, 2008-2011

Pegaf – Grid-based experimental platform for developing applications based on workflows and with dynamic allocation of resources, RO-PNII, 2007-2010

Sipadoc – Integrated System for the Digitization and Capitalization of the Document’s Cultural Patrimony, RO-PNII, 2007-2010

NatComp – New Natural Computing Models in the Study of Complexity, RO-PNII, 2007-2010

NASR - Mathematical and computational modelling of crystal growth processes based on capillarity, Research Project Code 19550 PK, 2009-2010

NURC - Modeling of the Dewetted Bridgman crystal growth process - control of the monocrystal shape and dopant distribution, Research Project ID_131, 2009-2011

GridMOSI - Virtual Organization in Grid Technology for Modelling, Simulation and High Performance Optimization, RO-CEEX Project, 2005-2008

MedioGrid - Parallel and Distributed on Grid of Geographical and Environment Data, RO-CEEX Project, 2005-2008

MaternQual - Integrated System for Risk and Quality Assessment in Obstetrics, RO-CEEX Project, 2006-2008