Scientific Seminar

Research Empowers Us

Older scientific seminars can be found here.

Autonomic Cyber Physical System for Education 4.0

Nicolas Evain

Leveraging Evolutionary Algorithms and Large Language Models: Current Applications and Future Perspectives

Dr. Sri Srinivasa Raju M

Performing Fast Feature Reduction Through Bijective Transformations: Applications in Image Classification Tasks

Dacian Goina

Context-Based Adaptation of Neural Network Compression for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Weed Detection 

Ioana-Cristina Igret

Refining Feature Weighting for Unsupervised Clustering

Fabian Galis

Field-Programmable Gate Arrays in Embedded Systems Development

José Pedro Matos Nogueira Amaro

An archeoastronomical analysis of Christian sacred architecture:a comparison between Eastern and Western Europe

Maitane Urrutia-Aparicio

New Real-time Encryption Mechanism for Financial Transactions

Ionut Matei

Introduction to ZKP Security with CTF examples

Gyumin Roh

Pattern-driven malware detection in native executables based on control-flow graphs

Mircea Prejban
  • The physics of statistical inference and community detection

    Cristopher Moore, Santa Fe Institute, USA

    • May 20, 2020, online


    Real-time destination prediction for mobile users

    Radu Mariescu, University of Eastern Finland, Finland

    • May 6, 2020, online


    Formal Design, Implementation and Verification of Blockchain Languages

    Grigore Rosu, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, USA

    • April 29, 2020, online


    It’s not Whom You Know, it’s What You, or Your Friends, can Do: Coalitional Frameworks for Network Centralities

    Gabriel Istrate, West University of Timisoara, Romania

    • March 25, 2020, online