## Please edit system and help pages ONLY in the master wiki! ## For more information, please see MoinMoin:MoinDev/Translation. ##master-page:Unknown-Page ##master-date:Unknown-Date #acl -All:write Default #format wiki #language cs Discussed on MoinMoin:CzechTranslation page. Translated system pages: * HlavniStranka * FrontPage * PosledniZmeny * RecentChanges * RejstrikStranek * TitleIndex * RejstrikSlov * WordIndex * StromUmisteni * SiteNavigation * NajdiStranku * FindPage * ChybejiciStranka * MissingPage * ChybejiciDomovskaStranka * MissingHomePage * OpusteneStranky * AbandonedPages * OsireleStranky * OrphanedPages * ChybejiciStranky * WantedPages * [[Statistiky]] * EventStats * [[Statistiky/Zhlednuti]] * EventStats/HitCounts * [[Statistiky/Prohlizece]] * EventStats/UserAgents * [[Statistiky/Jazyky]] * EventStats/Languages * VelikostiStranek * PageSize * NavstevnostStranek * PageHits * OdkazyInterWiki * InterWiki * NahodnaStranka * RandomPage * SystemInfo -- no text to translate * DomovskaStranka * WikiHomePage * CamelCase -- redirect at WikiNazev only * WikiNazev * WikiName * WikiPiskoviste * WikiSandBox * WikiTipProTentoDen * WikiTipOfTheDay * SitWikiWiki * WikiWikiWeb * ProcWikiFunguje * WhyWikiWorks * XsltVersion -- don´t know what is this good for, skiping for now * CoJeMoinMoin * MoinMoin * MoinMoin/TextFormatting -- looks like duplicate of SyntaxReference, ignore it for now * KolackyStesteny * FortuneCookies -- 20071204 12:00 : everithing above was updated according it´s master pages Translated help pages: ## Please update your Help* list! I listed translated Help pages here, but please list them where they should be. I don't understand Czech, sorry. ## > No problem, no body's perfect. * NapovedaIndex * HelpIndex * NapovedaProUzivatele * HelpForUsers * NapovedaRuzne * NapovedaRuzne/CastoKladeneDotazy * NapovedaObsah * HelpContents * HelpForAdministrators * NapovedaProZacatecniky * HelpForBeginners * HelpOnAccessControlLists * HelpOnActions * HelpOnActions/AttachFile * HelpOnAdministration * HelpOnAuthentication * HelpOnAuthentication/LDAP * HelpOnAutoAdmin * HelpOnCategories * HelpOnConfiguration * HelpOnConfiguration/EmailSupport * HelpOnConfiguration/SecurityPolicy * HelpOnConfiguration/FileAttachments * HelpOnConfiguration/SupplementationPage * HelpOnConfiguration/SurgeProtection * HelpOnConfiguration/UserPreferences * HelpOnCreoleSyntax * HelpOnDictionaries * HelpOnEditLocks * HelpOnEditing * HelpOnEditing/SubPages * HelpOnFormatting * HelpOnGraphicalEditor * HelpOnPackageInstaller * HelpOnLanguages * HelpOnLinking * HelpOnLists * HelpOnLogin * HelpOnMacros * HelpOnMacros/EmbedObject * HelpOnMacros/ImageLink * [[HelpOnMacros/Include]] * HelpOnMacros/MailTo * HelpOnMacros/MonthCalendar * HelpOnMoinCommand * HelpOnNavigation * NapovedaTvorbaStranky * HelpOnPageCreation * HelpOnPageDeletion * HelpOnParsers * HelpOnParsers/ReStructuredText * HelpOnParsers/ReStructuredText/RstPrimer * HelpOnProcessingInstructions * HelpOnRules * NapovedaProMoinWikiSyntax * HelpOnMoinWikiSyntax * NapovedaProNadpisy * HelpOnHeadlines * NapovedaVyhledavani * HelpOnSearching * HelpOnSessions * HelpOnSlideShows * HelpOnSpam * [[HelpOnSlideShows/000 Introduction]] * [[HelpOnSlideShows/100 Creating the slides]] * [[HelpOnSlideShows/900 Last but not least: Running your presentation]] * HelpOnSmileys * HelpOnSpellCheck * HelpOnSuperUser * HelpOnSynchronisation * HelpOnTables * HelpOnTemplates * HelpOnThemes * HelpOnUpdating * HelpOnUpdatingPython * HelpOnUserHandling * HelpOnUserPreferences * HelpOnVariables * HelpOnXapian * HelpOnXmlPages * HelpOnComments * HelpOnSubscribing * HelpTemplate