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||Previous years: ||[[ScientificSeminar/2013|2013]] ||[[ScientificSeminar/2012|2012]] ||[[ScientificSeminar/2011|2011]] ||[[ScientificSeminar/2010|2010]] ||[[ScientificSeminar/2009|2009]] ||[[ScientificSeminar/2008|2008]] ||[[ScientificSeminar/2007|2007]] ||[[ScientificSeminar/2006|2006]] ||[[ScientificSeminar/2005|2005]] || ||Previous years:|| [[ScientificSeminar/2023|2023]]||[[ScientificSeminar/2022|2022]]||[[ScientificSeminar/2021|2021]] ||[[ScientificSeminar/2020|2020]] ||[[ScientificSeminar/2019|2019]] ||[[ScientificSeminar/2018|2018]] ||[[ScientificSeminar/2017|2017]] ||[[ScientificSeminar/2016|2016]] ||[[ScientificSeminar/2015|2015]] ||[[ScientificSeminar/2014|2014]] ||[[ScientificSeminar/2013|2013]] ||[[ScientificSeminar/2012|2012]] ||[[ScientificSeminar/2011|2011]] ||[[ScientificSeminar/2010|2010]] ||[[ScientificSeminar/2009|2009]] ||[[ScientificSeminar/2008|2008]] ||[[ScientificSeminar/2007|2007]] ||[[ScientificSeminar/2006|2006]] ||[[ScientificSeminar/2005|2005]] ||
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(online meetings on Google Meet - https://meet.google.com/fim-ewxf-vdg)
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[[Gyumin Roh |Introduction to ZKP Security with CTF examples]]

Gyumin Roh, Kalos, Korea

 . May 29, 2024, 6PM, online https://meet.google.com/vvx-fvsy-tju

[[MirceaPrejban|Pattern-driven malware detection in native executables based on control-flow graphs]]

Mircea Prejban, West University of Timisoara, Romania

 . May 29, 2024, 7PM, room 035 and online https://meet.google.com/fim-ewxf-vdg
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[[AbstractGabrielIstrate|Partition into heapable sequences, heap tableaux
and a multiset extension of Hammersley’s process]]
[[MihaiTataran|The new Era of AI in the Microsoft Ecosystem]]
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'''Gabriel Istrate''', Universitatea de Vest din Timisoara Mihai Tataran, Avaelgo, Romania
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 . March 18, 2015  . May 22, 2024, 6PM, room 035 and online https://meet.google.com/fim-ewxf-vdg
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[[AleksandreKhokhiashvili|Reversing Modern Binaries]]
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Aleksandre Khokhiashvili, OtterSec
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[[AbstractAlbertoGarcia|Frameworks for solving problems by HPC and Cloud computing]] [[RebecaTonu|Challenges and hurdles of extracting Bitcoin transaction data to relational databases]]
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'''Alberto Garcia''', Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Rebeca Tonu, West University of Timisoara, Romania
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 . December 3, 2014  . May 15, 2024, 6PM, room 035 and online https://meet.google.com/fim-ewxf-vdg
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[[AbstractLiviuCiortuz|Discovery of inversion breakpoints from raw NGS (Next Generation Sequencing) data: A mapping-free and assembly-free approach]] [[MariaGaudo|Heterogeneous systems: an approach using FPGAs as accelerators]]
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'''Liviu Ciortuz''', A.I. Cuza University, Iasi Maria Villarroya Gaudo, University of Zaragoza, Spain
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 . November 19, 2014  . April 10, 2024, 6PM (online https://meet.google.com/fim-ewxf-vdg)
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[[AbstractAlexAgathos|Minimum Volume Simplex Analysis: A Fast Algorithm for Hyperspectral Unmixing]] [[GuillermoPalacios|Virtual Reality in the Rehabilitation of patients. State of the art, research areas and future prospects]]
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'''Alexander Agathos''', West University of Timisoara Guillermo Palacios, University of Zaragoza, Spain
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 . October 29, 2014

''iCanCloud: a Cloud Computing simulation platform''

'''Gabriel González Castañé''', Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

 . October 15, 2014
 . April 3, 2024, 6PM (room 035 and online https://meet.google.com/fim-ewxf-vdg)
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[[AbstractCarmenTerei|Imbalanced Data Classification]]
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'''Carmen Terei''', University "Aurel Vlaicu" Arad [[RuxandraStoean|Deep learning approaches for real-world settings: formulation, architecture, optimization]]
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 . May 21, 2014 Ruxandra Stoean, University of Craiova, Romania

 . March 20, 2024, 6PM (online https://meet.google.com/fim-ewxf-vdg)
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''mOSAIC: PaaS (Platform as a Service) support for multi-clouds'' [[DiogenBabuc|A Custom-Based Deep Learning Architecture for Classifying Colorectal Polyps into Premalignant and Benign]]
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'''Georgiana Macariu''', Institute e-Austria Timisoara Diogen Babuc, West University of Timisoara, Romania
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 . May 7, 2014  . March 13, 2024, 6PM (room 035 and online https://meet.google.com/fim-ewxf-vdg)
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[[AbstractIonelMuscalagiu|Modeling, simulating and real execution of distributed constraints in NetLogo (DisCSP-Netlogo)]] Multi-Agent Systems in Various Domains and Applications
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'''Ionel Muscalagiu''', Politehnica University of Timisoara Victor Bogdan, West University of Timisoara, Romania
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 . April 30, 2014  . March 6, 2024, 6PM (room 035 and online https://meet.google.com/fim-ewxf-vdg)
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''mOSAIC: IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) support for multi-clouds'' [[GabrielIstrate|Conway's Army Percolation]]
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'''Silviu Panica''', West University of Timisoara Gabriel Istrate, Mihai Prunescu, University of Bucharest
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 . April 9, 2014

[[AbstractAlexandraPopescu|Study of the directional solidification process of multicrystalline silicon by numerical methods]]

'''Alexandra Popescu''', West University of Timisoara

 . April 2, 2014
 . January 22, 2024, 6PM (room 130 and online https://meet.google.com/fim-ewxf-vdg)
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[[AbstractDarianOnchis|Computational challenges in frames-based signal and image processing]]

'''Darian Onchis''', West University of Timisoara

 . March 26, 2014

''Problems with analytic profiles: analysis of the profile and linear perturbation theory: the detonation, the ignition, the heating of plasma by a magnetic field. Relation with the nerve influx''

'''Olivier Lafitte''', University Paris 13

 . March 19, 2014

[[AbstractMadalinaErascu|Computational Logic and Quantifier Elimination Techniques for (Semi-)automatic Static Analysis and Synthesis of Algorithms (II)]]

'''Madalina Erascu''', West University of Timisoara

 . March 12, 2014

[[AbstractMadalinaErascu|Computational Logic and Quantifier Elimination Techniques for (Semi-)automatic Static Analysis and Synthesis of Algorithms (I)]]

'''Madalina Erascu''', West University of Timisoara

 . March 5, 2014


Previous years:




















(online meetings on Google Meet - https://meet.google.com/fim-ewxf-vdg)


Introduction to ZKP Security with CTF examples

Gyumin Roh, Kalos, Korea

Pattern-driven malware detection in native executables based on control-flow graphs

Mircea Prejban, West University of Timisoara, Romania

The new Era of AI in the Microsoft Ecosystem

Mihai Tataran, Avaelgo, Romania

Reversing Modern Binaries

Aleksandre Khokhiashvili, OtterSec

Challenges and hurdles of extracting Bitcoin transaction data to relational databases

Rebeca Tonu, West University of Timisoara, Romania

Heterogeneous systems: an approach using FPGAs as accelerators

Maria Villarroya Gaudo, University of Zaragoza, Spain

Virtual Reality in the Rehabilitation of patients. State of the art, research areas and future prospects

Guillermo Palacios, University of Zaragoza, Spain

Deep learning approaches for real-world settings: formulation, architecture, optimization

Ruxandra Stoean, University of Craiova, Romania

A Custom-Based Deep Learning Architecture for Classifying Colorectal Polyps into Premalignant and Benign

Diogen Babuc, West University of Timisoara, Romania

Multi-Agent Systems in Various Domains and Applications

Victor Bogdan, West University of Timisoara, Romania

Conway's Army Percolation

Gabriel Istrate, Mihai Prunescu, University of Bucharest

ScientificSeminar (last edited 2024-05-29 06:16:35 by DanielaZaharie)