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||Previous years: ||[[Publications/2009|2009]]||[[Publications/2008|2008]]||[[Publications/2007|2007]]||[[Publications/2006|2006]]||[[Publications/2005|2005]]||
== Recent Publications ==
||<tablewidth="731px" tableheight="30px">Previous years: ||[[Publications/2016|2016]]||[[Publications/2015|2015]] ||[[Publications/2014|2014]] ||[[Publications/2013|2013]] ||[[Publications/2012|2012]] ||[[Publications/2011|2011]] ||[[Publications/2010|2010]] ||[[Publications/2009|2009]] ||[[Publications/2008|2008]] ||[[Publications/2007|2007]] ||[[Publications/2006|2006]] ||[[Publications/2005|2005]] ||
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==== Journal Publications ==== == Recent Publications (2017)==
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   * A.M.Balint, St.Balint - Second order nonlinear differential equations describing convex equilibrium surfaces, Mathematics in Engineering, Science and Aerospace 1(2), (2010) 1-16 ==== Journal papers ====
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   * St.Balint, A.M. Balint and R.Szabo - Nonlinear boundary value problem for concave capillary surface occurring in single crystal ribbon growth from the melt, Nonlinear Studies 17(1) (2010) 57-68 * Ezugwu, A.E.-S., Adewumi, A.O., Frîncu, M.E., Simulated annealing based symbiotic organisms search optimization algorithm for traveling salesman problem, Expert Systems with Applications, volume 77, pages 189-210, 10.1016/j.eswa.2017.01.053, 2017
* Fortiş, T.-F., Munteanu, V.I., Topics in cloud incident management, 2017, Future Generation Computer Systems, volume 72, pages 163-164, 10.1016/j.future.2016.11.003
* Kaslik, E., Analysis of two- and three-dimensional fractional-order Hindmarsh-Rose type neuronal models. Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis, 20(3), 2017
* Kaslik, E., Radulescu, I.R., Dynamics of complex-valued fractional-order neural networks. Neural Networks, 89:39-49, 2017
* Maruster, S., Maruster, L., Local convergence of generalized Mann iteration, Numerical Algorithms, pages 1-12, 10.1007/s11075-017-0289-x, 2017
* Măruşter, Ş., Estimating the local radius of convergence for picard iteration Algorithms, 10, pages 1-10, 10.3390/a10010010, 2017
* Néda, Z., Davidova, L., Újvári, S., Istrate, G., Gambler's ruin problem on Erdős–Rényi graphs, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 468, pages 147-157, 10.1016/j.physa.2016.10.056, 2017
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   * St.Balint, A.M.Balint and M.Darau - Linear stability analysis of the uniform mean flow in a rectangular lined duct with respect to normal modes type initial perturbations- Applied Mathematical Modelling(2010) doi:10.1016/j.apm.2010.07.054 ==== Book chapters ====
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   * St.Balint, L.Tanasie- Determination of the angles appearing in the system which describes the dynamics of the outer and inner radius of a tube, grown by the edge-defined film-fed growth (E.F.G.) technique, Nonlinear Analysis – Real World 11(5)(2010) 4043-4053 * E. Di Nitto, P. Matthews, D. Petcu, D., A. Solberg (Eds.), Model-Driven Development and Operation of Multi-Cloud Applications. The MODAClouds Approach, In Model-Driven Development and Operation of Multi-Cloud Applications, Part of the series SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology, Springer International Publishing, eBook ISBN 978-3-319-46031-4, 2017
* E. Di Nitto, Petcu, D., Introduction, In Model-Driven Development and Operation of Multi-Cloud Applications, Part of the series SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology, 1-11, 2017
==== Conference papers ====
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   * A.M.Balint and St.Balint – Dynamics and control of the shape and size of a sitting drop-like meniscus, occurring in single crystal growth –J. Franklin Institute 347 (2010) 30–52

   * St.Balint and A.M.Balint - Inequalities for single crystal rod growth by edge-defined film-fed growth (E.F.G.) technique, J. Mathematical Analysis and Applications 362 (2010) 231–240

   * St.Balint, A.M. Balint, E.Kaslik - Existence of oscillatory solutions along the path of longitudinalflight equilibria of an unmanned aircraft, when the automatic flight control system fails, J. Mathematical Analysis and Applications 363 (2010) 366–382

   * St.Balint, E.Kaslik, A.M.Balint - Numerical analysis of the oscillation susceptibility along the path of the longitudinal flight equilibria, in the case of the ALFLEX reentry vehicle, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 11 (2010) 1953-1962

   * M.E. Frincu, D. Petcu, OSyRIS: a Nature Inspired Workflow Engine for Service Oriented Environments, Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience, Volume 11, Number 1, ISSN 1895-1767, 2010, 81–97

   * D. Gorgan, V. Bacu, D. Rodila, F. Pop and D. Petcu, Experiments on ESIP - Environment oriented satellite data processing platform, Earth Science Informatics, Vol. 3, no. 4, December 2010, DOI: 10.1007/s12145-010-0065-0, ISSN 1865-0473

  * E. Kaslik, St. Balint. Existence of oscillatory solutions in longitudinal flight dynamics - I. J. Non- Linear Mechanics , 45(2), (2010) 159-168.

  * E.Kaslik, St.Balint - Existence of heteroclinic orbits in simplified longitudinal flight dynamics – J.Math. Analysis and Applications, 373(1)(2011)94-101

  * D. Petcu, S. Panica, M. Neagul, M. Frincu, D. Zaharie, R. Ciorba, A. Dinis, Earth Observation Data Processing in Distributed Systems, Informatica 34 (2010) ,463–476

  * L.Tanasie and St.Balint - Model based, pulling rate, thermal and capillary conditions setting for silicon tube growth - Journal of Crystal Growth- in press (2010) doi: 10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2010.09.002

==== Conference Publications ====

  * E. Kaslik, S. Sivasundaram. Impulsive hybrid synchronization of chaotic discrete-time delayed neural networks. Proceedings of WCCI 2010 - IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, Barcelona, Spain, July 18-23, 2010, IEEE Computer Society Press, 2010, 2359{2366.
  * D. Petcu, Identifying Cloud Computing Usage Patterns, 2010 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing, Workshops, IEEE Computer Press.

  * D. Petcu, G. Macariu, A. Carstea, M.E. Frincu, Service-Oriented Symbolic Computing. Chapter 15 in Handbook of Research on P2P and Grid Systems for Service-Oriented Computing: Models, Methodologies and Applications, Eds. N. Antonopoulos, G. Exarchakos, A. Liotta, M. Li, ISBN: 978-1-61520-686-5, Information Science Reference, January 2010, pp. 1053-1075

  * D.Petcu, From Grid Computing towards Sky Computing. Case study for Earth Observation, Invited talk at CGW 2010 - Cracow Grid Workshop, October 11-13, 2010

  * D. Petcu, D. Zaharie, S. Panica, M. Frincu, M. Neagul, D. Gorgan, and T. Stefanut, Grid-based platform for training in Earth Observation, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 12, EGU2010-6713-1, 2010

  * D. Petcu, D. Zaharie, D. Gorgan, S. Panica, M. Neagul, M. Frincu, V. Bacu, T. Stefanut, On demand Grid services for training in Earth Observation, 5th EGEE User Forum / Contributions book, 68-69.

  *D. Petcu, S. Panica, M. Neagul, M. Frincu, D. Zaharie, D. Gorgan, T. Stefanut, V. Bacu, GiSHEO: On-line Platform for Training in Earth Observation, ICVL 2010: 5th International Conf. on Virtual Learning, Targu Mures, October 2010, Procs., M. Vlada, G. Albeanu, D.M. Popovici (eds.), Bucharest University Press, ISSN 1844-8933, pp. 290-297

  * S. Panica, M. Neagul, D. Petcu, Processing remote sensing images on a Grid-based platform, ICWI2010: IADIS Int. Conference WWW/Internet 2010, Timisoara, October 2010, Procs., B. White, P. Isaias, D. Andone (eds). pp. 397-399
* Baban, A., Bonchis, C., Fikl, A., Rosu, F., Parallel simulations for fractional-order systems, Proceedings - 18th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, SYNASC 2016, 7829605, pages 141-144, 10.1109/SYNASC.2016.033, 2017
* Balint, S., Space-time evolution of the perturbations of a spatially developing 3D constant gas flow, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1798, 20015, 10.1063/1.4972607, 2017
* Balint, S., Balint, A.M., Non Lyapunov stability of the constant spatially developing 1-D gas flow in presence of solutions having strictly positive exponential growth rate, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1798, 20012, 10.1063/1.4972604, 2017
* Balint, A.M., Balint, S., Tanasie, L.,Non Lyapunov stability of a constant spatially developing 2-D gas flow, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1798, 20014, 10.1063/1.4972606, 2017
* Balint, A.M., Balint, S., Szabo, R., Lyapunov stability of a spatially developing constant 2D gas flow, AIP Conference Proceedings 1798, 20013, 10.1063/1.4972605, 2017
* Brandibur, O., Kaslik, E., Stability analysis of two-component incommensurate fractional-order systems and applications to the FitzHugh-Nagumo model, CMMSE 2017, Cadiz, Spania 4-8 July 2017
* Doan, D.N., Iuhasz, G., Tuning logstash garbage collection for high throughput in a monitoring platform, Proceedings - 18th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, SYNASC 2016, 782963, pages 359-365, 10.1109/SYNASC.2016.06, 2017
* Frincu, M., Draghici, R., Towards a scalable cloud enabled smart home automation architecture for demand response, IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe Part F126485, 7856235, 10.1109/ISGTEurope.2016.7856235, 2017
* Ivascu, T., Dinis, A., Negru, V., Towards a multi-agent system for medical records processing and knowledge discovery. Proceedings - 18th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, SYNASC 2016, 7829639, pages 395-399, 10.1109/SYNASC.2016.067, 2017
* Kaslik,E., M. Neamtu. Dynamics of a Four-Dimensional Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis Model with Distributed Delays, CMMSE 2017, Cadiz, Spania, 4-8 July 2017
* Kaslik, E., Navolan, D.B., Neamţu, M., Stability analysis of a hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis model with inclusion of glucocorticoid receptor and memory, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1798, 20111, 10.1063/1.4972703, 2017
* Mafteiu-Scai, L.O., Cornigeanu, C.A., A parallel heuristic for bandwidth reduction based on matrix geometry, Proceedings - 18th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, SYNASC 2016, 7829643, pages 424-427, 10.1109/SYNASC.2016.071, 2017
* Mafteiu-Scai, L.O., Cornigeanu, C.A. Parallel heuristics for systems of equations preconditioning, Proceedings - 18th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, SYNASC 2016, 7829630, pages 319-322, 10.1109/SYNASC.2016.058, 2017
* Oana, L., Spataru, A., Use of genetic algorithms in numerical weather prediction, Proceedings - 18th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, SYNASC 2016, 7829647, pages 456-461, 10.1109/SYNASC.2016.075, 2017
* Onchis, D.M., Zappala, S., Approximate duals of gabor-like frames based on realizable multi-window spline-type constructions, Proceedings - 18th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, SYNASC 2016, 7829599, pages 99-104, 10.1109/SYNASC.2016.027, 2017
* Petcu, D., Mastering the heterogeneity in HPC as a Service, NESUS Sixth Working Group, Bayreuth, Apr 2017
* Petcu, D., HPC as a Service: Challenges and Limitations, ISPDC 2017, Innsbruck, July 2017
* Radoaca, A., Venn diagrams for multisets, Proceedings - 18th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, SYNASC 2016, 7829611, pages 187-194, 10.1109/SYNASC.2016.039, 2017
* Rǎdulescu, I.R., Cândea, D., Kaslik, E., A comparison between the stability properties in a DDE model for leukemia and the modified fractional counterpart, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1798, 20127, 10.1063/1.4972719, 2017
* Rotovei, D., Multi-agent aspect level sentiment analysis in CRM systems, Proceedings - 18th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, SYNASC 2016, 7829640, pages 400-407, 10.1109/SYNASC.2016.068, 2017
* Tirea, M., Negru, V., Behavioral trading system -detecting crisis, risk and stability in financial markets, Proceedings - 18th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, SYNASC 2016, 7829623, pages 279-286, 10.1109/SYNASC.2016.051, 2017
* Zaharie, D., Micota, F., Revisiting the Analysis of Population Variance in Differential Evolution Algorithms, CEC 2017-IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 4-8 June 2017

Previous years:













== Recent Publications (2017)==

Journal papers

* Ezugwu, A.E.-S., Adewumi, A.O., Frîncu, M.E., Simulated annealing based symbiotic organisms search optimization algorithm for traveling salesman problem, Expert Systems with Applications, volume 77, pages 189-210, 10.1016/j.eswa.2017.01.053, 2017 * Fortiş, T.-F., Munteanu, V.I., Topics in cloud incident management, 2017, Future Generation Computer Systems, volume 72, pages 163-164, 10.1016/j.future.2016.11.003 * Kaslik, E., Analysis of two- and three-dimensional fractional-order Hindmarsh-Rose type neuronal models. Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis, 20(3), 2017 * Kaslik, E., Radulescu, I.R., Dynamics of complex-valued fractional-order neural networks. Neural Networks, 89:39-49, 2017 * Maruster, S., Maruster, L., Local convergence of generalized Mann iteration, Numerical Algorithms, pages 1-12, 10.1007/s11075-017-0289-x, 2017 * Măruşter, Ş., Estimating the local radius of convergence for picard iteration Algorithms, 10, pages 1-10, 10.3390/a10010010, 2017 * Néda, Z., Davidova, L., Újvári, S., Istrate, G., Gambler's ruin problem on Erdős–Rényi graphs, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 468, pages 147-157, 10.1016/j.physa.2016.10.056, 2017

Book chapters

* E. Di Nitto, P. Matthews, D. Petcu, D., A. Solberg (Eds.), Model-Driven Development and Operation of Multi-Cloud Applications. The MODAClouds Approach, In Model-Driven Development and Operation of Multi-Cloud Applications, Part of the series SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology, Springer International Publishing, eBook ISBN 978-3-319-46031-4, 2017 * E. Di Nitto, Petcu, D., Introduction, In Model-Driven Development and Operation of Multi-Cloud Applications, Part of the series SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology, 1-11, 2017

Conference papers

* Baban, A., Bonchis, C., Fikl, A., Rosu, F., Parallel simulations for fractional-order systems, Proceedings - 18th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, SYNASC 2016, 7829605, pages 141-144, 10.1109/SYNASC.2016.033, 2017 * Balint, S., Space-time evolution of the perturbations of a spatially developing 3D constant gas flow, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1798, 20015, 10.1063/1.4972607, 2017 * Balint, S., Balint, A.M., Non Lyapunov stability of the constant spatially developing 1-D gas flow in presence of solutions having strictly positive exponential growth rate, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1798, 20012, 10.1063/1.4972604, 2017 * Balint, A.M., Balint, S., Tanasie, L.,Non Lyapunov stability of a constant spatially developing 2-D gas flow, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1798, 20014, 10.1063/1.4972606, 2017 * Balint, A.M., Balint, S., Szabo, R., Lyapunov stability of a spatially developing constant 2D gas flow, AIP Conference Proceedings 1798, 20013, 10.1063/1.4972605, 2017 * Brandibur, O., Kaslik, E., Stability analysis of two-component incommensurate fractional-order systems and applications to the FitzHugh-Nagumo model, CMMSE 2017, Cadiz, Spania 4-8 July 2017 * Doan, D.N., Iuhasz, G., Tuning logstash garbage collection for high throughput in a monitoring platform, Proceedings - 18th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, SYNASC 2016, 782963, pages 359-365, 10.1109/SYNASC.2016.06, 2017 * Frincu, M., Draghici, R., Towards a scalable cloud enabled smart home automation architecture for demand response, IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe Part F126485, 7856235, 10.1109/ISGTEurope.2016.7856235, 2017 * Ivascu, T., Dinis, A., Negru, V., Towards a multi-agent system for medical records processing and knowledge discovery. Proceedings - 18th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, SYNASC 2016, 7829639, pages 395-399, 10.1109/SYNASC.2016.067, 2017 * Kaslik,E., M. Neamtu. Dynamics of a Four-Dimensional Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis Model with Distributed Delays, CMMSE 2017, Cadiz, Spania, 4-8 July 2017 * Kaslik, E., Navolan, D.B., Neamţu, M., Stability analysis of a hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis model with inclusion of glucocorticoid receptor and memory, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1798, 20111, 10.1063/1.4972703, 2017 * Mafteiu-Scai, L.O., Cornigeanu, C.A., A parallel heuristic for bandwidth reduction based on matrix geometry, Proceedings - 18th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, SYNASC 2016, 7829643, pages 424-427, 10.1109/SYNASC.2016.071, 2017 * Mafteiu-Scai, L.O., Cornigeanu, C.A. Parallel heuristics for systems of equations preconditioning, Proceedings - 18th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, SYNASC 2016, 7829630, pages 319-322, 10.1109/SYNASC.2016.058, 2017 * Oana, L., Spataru, A., Use of genetic algorithms in numerical weather prediction, Proceedings - 18th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, SYNASC 2016, 7829647, pages 456-461, 10.1109/SYNASC.2016.075, 2017 * Onchis, D.M., Zappala, S., Approximate duals of gabor-like frames based on realizable multi-window spline-type constructions, Proceedings - 18th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, SYNASC 2016, 7829599, pages 99-104, 10.1109/SYNASC.2016.027, 2017 * Petcu, D., Mastering the heterogeneity in HPC as a Service, NESUS Sixth Working Group, Bayreuth, Apr 2017 * Petcu, D., HPC as a Service: Challenges and Limitations, ISPDC 2017, Innsbruck, July 2017 * Radoaca, A., Venn diagrams for multisets, Proceedings - 18th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, SYNASC 2016, 7829611, pages 187-194, 10.1109/SYNASC.2016.039, 2017 * Rǎdulescu, I.R., Cândea, D., Kaslik, E., A comparison between the stability properties in a DDE model for leukemia and the modified fractional counterpart, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1798, 20127, 10.1063/1.4972719, 2017 * Rotovei, D., Multi-agent aspect level sentiment analysis in CRM systems, Proceedings - 18th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, SYNASC 2016, 7829640, pages 400-407, 10.1109/SYNASC.2016.068, 2017 * Tirea, M., Negru, V., Behavioral trading system -detecting crisis, risk and stability in financial markets, Proceedings - 18th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, SYNASC 2016, 7829623, pages 279-286, 10.1109/SYNASC.2016.051, 2017 * Zaharie, D., Micota, F., Revisiting the Analysis of Population Variance in Differential Evolution Algorithms, CEC 2017-IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 4-8 June 2017

Publications (last edited 2024-02-24 11:37:59 by DanielaZaharie)