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||Previous years: ||[[Publications/2009|2009]]||[[Publications/2008|2008]]||[[Publications/2007|2007]]||[[Publications/2006|2006]]||[[Publications/2005|2005]]||
== Recent Publications ==

==== Journal Publications ====

* St.Balint, A.M.Balint and M.Darau - Linear stability analysis of the uniform mean flow in a rectangular lined duct with respect to normal modes type initial perturbations- Applied Mathematical Modelling(2010) doi:10.1016/j.apm.2010.07.054

* St.Balint, L.Tanasie- Determination of the angles e  e e  p h r ; , ~ and   i i i p h r ; , ~ appearing in the system which describes the dynamics of the outer and inner radius of a tube, grown by the edge-defined filmfed growth (E.F.G.) technique, Nonlinear Analysis – Real World 11(5)(2010) 4043-4053

* A.M.Balint and St.Balint – Dynamics and control of the shape and size of a sitting drop-like
meniscus, occurring in single crystal growth –J. Franklin Institute 347 (2010) 30–52

* St.Balint and A.M.Balint - Inequalities for single crystal rod growth by edge-defined film-fed growth (E.F.G.) technique, J. Mathematical Analysis and Applications 362 (2010) 231–240

* St.Balint, A.M. Balint, E.Kaslik - Existence of oscillatory solutions along the path of longitudinalflight equilibria of an unmanned aircraft, when the automatic flight control system fails, J. Mathematical Analysis and Applications 363 (2010) 366–382

* St.Balint, E.Kaslik, A.M.Balint - Numerical analysis of the oscillation susceptibility along the path of the longitudinal flight equilibria, in the case of the ALFLEX reentry vehicle, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 11 (2010) 1953-1962

* M.E. Frincu, D. Petcu, OSyRIS: a Nature Inspired Workflow Engine for Service Oriented Environments, Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience, Volume 11, Number 1, ISSN 1895-1767, 2010, 81–97

* D. Gorgan, V. Bacu, D. Rodila, F. Pop and D. Petcu, Experiments on ESIP - Environment oriented satellite data processing platform, Earth Science Informatics, Vol. 3, no. 4, December 2010, DOI: 10.1007/s12145-010-0065-0, ISSN 1865-0473

* E. Kaslik, St. Balint. Existence of oscillatory solutions in longitudinal flight dynamics - I. J. Non- Linear Mechanics , 45(2), (2010) 159-168.

* E.Kaslik, St.Balint - Existence of heteroclinic orbits in simplified longitudinal flight dynamics – J.Math. Analysis and Applications, 373(1)(2011)94-101

* D. Petcu, S. Panica, M. Neagul, M. Frincu, D. Zaharie, R. Ciorba, A. Dinis, Earth Observation Data Processing in Distributed Systems, Informatica 34 (2010) ,463–476
Previous years (20xx):
||[[Publications/2020|20]] ||[[Publications/2019|19]] ||[[Publications/2018|18]] ||[[Publications/2017|17]] ||[[Publications/2016|16]] ||
||[[Publications/2015|15]] ||[[Publications/2014|14]] ||[[Publications/2013|13]] ||[[Publications/2012|12]] ||[[Publications/2011|11]] ||
||[[Publications/2010|10]] ||[[Publications/2009|09]] ||[[Publications/2008|08]] ||[[Publications/2007|07]] ||[[Publications/2006|06]] ||||
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* L.Tanasie and St.Balint - Model based, pulling rate, thermal and capillary conditions setting for silicon tube growth - Journal of Crystal Growth- in press (2010) doi: 10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2010.09.002 == 2021 ==
==== Journal papers ====
 1. Drămnesc, I., Jebelean, T., Synthesis of sorting algorithms using multisets in Theorema, Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming, 2021, 119, 100635
 1. Eraşcu, M., Micota, F., Zaharie, D., Scalable optimal deployment in the cloud of component-based applications using optimization modulo theory, mathematical programming and symmetry breaking, Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming, 2021, 121, 100664
 1. Kaslik, E., Neamţu, M., Vesa, L.F., Global stability analysis of an unemployment model with distributed delay, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 2021, 185, pp. 535–546
 1. Miok, K., Škrlj, B., Zaharie, D., Robnik-Šikonja, M., To BAN or Not to BAN: Bayesian Attention Networks for Reliable Hate Speech Detection, Cognitive Computation, 2021
 1. Onchis, D.M., Gillich, G.-R., Stable and explainable deep learning damage prediction for prismatic cantilever steel beam, Computers in Industry, 2021, 125, 103359
 1. Karthekeyan Chandrasekaran, Elena Grigorescu, Gabriel Istrate, Shubhang Kulkarni, Young-San Lin, Minshen Zhu. The Maximum Binary Tree Problem. Algorithmica (to appear, 2021). Journal version of paper in Proceedings of the 28th European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA'2020).
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==== Conference Publications ====

* D. Petcu, Identifying Cloud Computing Usage Patterns, 2010 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing, Workshops, IEEE Computer Press.

* D. Petcu, G. Macariu, A. Carstea, M.E. Frincu, Service-Oriented Symbolic Computing. Chapter 15 in Handbook of Research on P2P and Grid Systems for Service-Oriented Computing: Models, Methodologies and Applications, Eds. N. Antonopoulos, G. Exarchakos, A. Liotta, M. Li, ISBN: 978-1-61520-686-5, Information Science Reference, January 2010, pp. 1053-1075

* D.Petcu, From Grid Computing towards Sky Computing. Case study for Earth Observation, Invited talk at CGW 2010 - Cracow Grid Workshop, October 11-13, 2010

* D. Petcu, D. Zaharie, S. Panica, M. Frincu, M. Neagul, D. Gorgan, and T. Stefanut, Grid-based platform for training in Earth Observation, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 12, EGU2010-6713-1, 2010

* D. Petcu, D. Zaharie, D. Gorgan, S. Panica, M. Neagul, M. Frincu, V. Bacu, T. Stefanut, On demand Grid services for training in Earth Observation, 5th EGEE User Forum / Contributions book, 68-69.

*D. Petcu, S. Panica, M. Neagul, M. Frincu, D. Zaharie, D. Gorgan, T. Stefanut, V. Bacu, GiSHEO: On-line Platform for Training in Earth Observation, ICVL 2010: 5th International Conf. on Virtual Learning, Targu Mures, October 2010, Procs., M. Vlada, G. Albeanu, D.M. Popovici (eds.), Bucharest University Press, ISSN 1844-8933, pp. 290-297

* S. Panica, M. Neagul, D. Petcu, Processing remote sensing images on a Grid-based platform, ICWI2010: IADIS Int. Conference WWW/Internet 2010, Timisoara, October 2010, Procs., B. White, P. Isaias, D. Andone (eds). pp. 397-399

==== Conference papers ====
 1. G. Istrate. Models We Can Trust: Towards a Systematic Discipline of (Agent-Based) Model Interpretation and Validation. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, AAMAS'2021, pp.6-11. IFAAMAS and ACM Press.
 1. G. Istrate. Game-theoretic Models of Moral and Other-Regarding Agents. Proceedings of the 18th Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge (TARK'2021), June 25-27, 2021, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China (online), Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science (to appear).
 1. G. Istrate, C. Bonchis and A. Craciun. Kernelization, Proof Complexity and Social Choice. Proceedings of the 48th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP). July, 12 - 16 2021. Glasgow, Scotland (online), Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPICS, to appear).

Previous years (20xx):

















Journal papers

  1. Drămnesc, I., Jebelean, T., Synthesis of sorting algorithms using multisets in Theorema, Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming, 2021, 119, 100635
  2. Eraşcu, M., Micota, F., Zaharie, D., Scalable optimal deployment in the cloud of component-based applications using optimization modulo theory, mathematical programming and symmetry breaking, Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming, 2021, 121, 100664
  3. Kaslik, E., Neamţu, M., Vesa, L.F., Global stability analysis of an unemployment model with distributed delay, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 2021, 185, pp. 535–546
  4. Miok, K., Škrlj, B., Zaharie, D., Robnik-Šikonja, M., To BAN or Not to BAN: Bayesian Attention Networks for Reliable Hate Speech Detection, Cognitive Computation, 2021
  5. Onchis, D.M., Gillich, G.-R., Stable and explainable deep learning damage prediction for prismatic cantilever steel beam, Computers in Industry, 2021, 125, 103359
  6. Karthekeyan Chandrasekaran, Elena Grigorescu, Gabriel Istrate, Shubhang Kulkarni, Young-San Lin, Minshen Zhu. The Maximum Binary Tree Problem. Algorithmica (to appear, 2021). Journal version of paper in Proceedings of the 28th European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA'2020).

Conference papers

  1. G. Istrate. Models We Can Trust: Towards a Systematic Discipline of (Agent-Based) Model Interpretation and Validation. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, AAMAS'2021, pp.6-11. IFAAMAS and ACM Press.
  2. G. Istrate. Game-theoretic Models of Moral and Other-Regarding Agents. Proceedings of the 18th Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge (TARK'2021), June 25-27, 2021, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China (online), Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science (to appear).
  3. G. Istrate, C. Bonchis and A. Craciun. Kernelization, Proof Complexity and Social Choice. Proceedings of the 48th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP). July, 12 - 16 2021. Glasgow, Scotland (online), Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPICS, to appear).

Publications (last edited 2024-02-24 11:37:59 by DanielaZaharie)