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== 2021 == == 2023 ==
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 1. Brandibur, O., Garrappa, R., Kaslik, E., Stability of systems of fractional-order differential equations with Caputo derivatives, Mathematics, 2021, 9(8), 914
 1. Brandibur, O., Kaslik, E., Stability analysis of multi-term fractional-differential equations with three fractional derivatives, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2021, 495(2), 124751
 1. Drămnesc, I., Jebelean, T., Synthesis of sorting algorithms using multisets in Theorema, Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming, 2021, 119, 100635
 1. Dundua, B., Kutsia, T., Marin, M., Variadic equational matching in associative and commutative theories, Journal of Symbolic Computationthis link is disabled, 2021, 106, pp. 78–109
 1. Eraşcu, M., Micota, F., Zaharie, D., Scalable optimal deployment in the cloud of component-based applications using optimization modulo theory, mathematical programming and symmetry breaking, Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming, 2021, 121, 100664
 1. Ivașcu, T., Negru, V., Activity-aware vital sign monitoring based on a multi-agent architecture. Sensors, 2021, 21(12), 4181
 1. Kaslik, E., Neamţu, M., Vesa, L.F., Global stability analysis of an unemployment model with distributed delay, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 2021, 185, pp. 535–546
 1. Miok, K., Škrlj, B., Zaharie, D., Robnik-Šikonja, M., To BAN or Not to BAN: Bayesian Attention Networks for Reliable Hate Speech Detection, Cognitive Computation, 2021
 1. Pârvulescu, L., Stoia, D.I., Miok, K., ...Muntean, M.D., Aburel, O.M., Force and Boldness: Cumulative Assets of a Successful Crayfish Invader, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 2021, 9, 581247
 1. Onchis, D.M., Gillich, G.-R., Stable and explainable deep learning damage prediction for prismatic cantilever steel beam, Computers in Industry, 2021, 125, 103359
 1. Karthekeyan Chandrasekaran, Elena Grigorescu, Gabriel Istrate, Shubhang Kulkarni, Young-San Lin, Minshen Zhu. The Maximum Binary Tree Problem. Algorithmica https://doi.org/10.1007/s00453-021-00836-5, 2021. Journal version of paper in Proceedings of the 28th European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA'2020).
 1. Nouara, A., Amara, A., Kaslik, E., ...Martinez, F., Kaabar, M.K.A.. A study on multiterm hybrid multi-order fractional boundary value problem coupled with its stability analysis of Ulam–Hyers type, Advances in Difference Equations, 2021, 2021(1), 343
 1. Sferdian, M., Frincu, M. When old meets new: Evaluating numerical and machine learning based eclipse prediction methods, Romanian Astronomical Journal, 2021, 31(2), pp. 133–151
 1. Spataru, A.L., Pungila, C.-P., Radovancovici, M., A high-performance native approach to adaptive blockchain smart-contract transmission and execution, Information Processing and Management, 2021, 58(4), 102561
 1. Valcan, S., Gaianu, M., Ground truth data generator for eye location on infrared driver recordings, Journal of Imaging, 2021, 7(9), 162
 1. Cerdà-Alabern L, '''Iuhasz G.''', Gemmi G, Anomaly detection for fault detection in wireless community networks using machine learning, Computer Communications, 2023
 1. Cerdà-Alabern, L., Iuhasz, G., Dataset for anomaly detection in a production wireless mesh community network, Data in Brief, 49, 109342, 2023
 1. '''Brandibur, O.''', '''Kaslik, É.''', Stability Properties of Multi-Term Fractional-Differential Equations, Fractal and Fractional, 7(2),117, 2023
 1. Das, S., Mahato, S.K., Mondal, A., '''Kaslik, E.''', Emergence of diverse dynamical responses in a fractional-order slow–fast pest–predator model, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2023
 1. Faragó, P., '''Ștefănigă, S.-A.''', Cordoș, C.-G., (...), Perju-Dumbravă, L., Ileșan, R.R., CNN-Based Identification of Parkinson’s Disease from Continuous Speech in Noisy Environments, Bioengineering, 10(5),531, 2023
 1. Istrate, G., '''Bonchiş, C.''', A parametric worst-case approach to fairness in cooperative games with transferable utility, Theoretical Computer Science 940, pp. 189-205, 2023
 1. '''Iuhasz, G.''', Panica, S., Duma, A., Cycle Detection and Clustering for Cyber-Physical Systems, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 655 LNNS, pp. 100-114, 2023
 1. '''Kaslik, E.''', '''Kokovics, E.-A.''', Stability and bifurcations in scalar differential equations with a general distributed delay, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2023
 1. Kononova A.V., Vermetten D., Caraffini F., '''Mitran M.A.''', '''Zaharie D.''', The Importance of Being Constrained: Dealing with Infeasible Solutions in Differential Evolution and Beyond, Evolutionary Computation ([[https://direct.mit.edu/evco/article-abstract/doi/10.1162/evco_a_00333/115994/The-Importance-of-Being-Constrained-Dealing-with?redirectedFrom=fulltext|online early]]), 2023
 1. Sharma, S.K., Mondal, A., '''Kaslik, E.''', Hens, C., Antonopoulos, C.G., Diverse electrical responses in a network of fractional-order conductance-based excitable Morris-Lecar systems, Scientific Reports, 13(1), https://doi.org/10.1162/evco_a_00333, 2023
 1. '''R. Urechiatu''', '''M. Frincu''', O. Vaduvescu, C. Boldea, Automated Asteroid Detection by using an Ensemble ML Method, Romanian Astronomical Journal.
 1. '''Onchis, D.M.''', Gillich, G.-R., Hogea, E.Tufisi, C., Neuro-symbolic model for cantilever beams damage detection, Computers in Industry, 151, 103991, 2023
 1. '''Miok, K.''', Corcoran, P., Spasić, I., The Value of Numbers in Clinical Text Classification, Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction, 5(3), pp. 746–762, 2023
 1. '''T. Selea''', AgriSen-COG, a Multicountry, Multitemporal Large-Scale Sentinel-2 Benchmark Dataset for Crop Mapping Using Deep Learning,Remote Sensing, 15(12), 2980, 2023
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 1. G. Istrate. Models We Can Trust: Towards a Systematic Discipline of (Agent-Based) Model Interpretation and Validation. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, AAMAS'2021, pp.6-11. IFAAMAS and ACM Press.
 1. G. Istrate. Game-theoretic Models of Moral and Other-Regarding Agents. Proceedings of the 18th Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge (TARK'2021), June 25-27, 2021, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China (online), Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science no. 335, pp. 213-228, 221.
 1. G. Istrate, C. Bonchis and A. Craciun. Kernelization, Proof Complexity and Social Choice. Proceedings of the 48th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP). July, 12 - 16 2021. Glasgow, Scotland (online), Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPICS), vol. 198, paper #131, pp.131:1-131:21.
 1. Isabela Drămnesc, Tudor Jebelean. Synthesis of Merging algorithms on binary trees using multisets in Theorema. SACI'2021.
 1. Isabela Drămnesc, Tudor Jebelean. AlCons : Deductive Synthesis of Sorting Algorithms in Theorema. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2021, 12819 LNCS, pp. 314–333
 1. Alexandra Fortiș, Florin Fortiș. Cloud computing projects: a bibliometric overview. AINA'2021, CCPI Workshop. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 2021, 227, pp. 127–138
 1. C Pungila, V Negru, A Fast Heterogeneous Approach to Enhanced Blockchain Attack Resilience and Mitigation, Computational Intelligence in Security for Information Systems Conference, 3-12, 2021
 1. Spataru, A., Tranca, L.C., Penteliuc, M.E., Frincu, M.Parallel cloud movement forecasting based on a modified boids flocking algorithm, Proceedings - 2021 20th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing, ISPDC 2021, 2021, pp. 89–96
 1. '''E. Flondor''', '''M. Frincu''', Analysing Android Apps Classification and Categories Validation by using Latent Dirichlet Allocation, Procs. ICCCI.
 1. '''M. Frincu''', S. Frincu, '''M. Penteliuc''', Challenges and Solutions in Transliterating 19th Century Romanian Texts from the Transitional to the Latin Script, Procs. LDK (http://2023.ldk-conf.org/accepted-papers/).
 1. '''Marin, M.''', Kutsia, T., Pau, C., Rukhaia, M., Enumerating All Maximal Clique-Partitions of an Undirected Graph, Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science, EPTCS, 389, pp. 65–79, FROM Workshop, 2023.
 1. '''Postovan, A.''', '''Eraşcu, M.''', Benchmarking Local Robustness of High-Accuracy Binary Neural Networks for Enhanced Traffic Sign Recognition, Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science, EPTCS, 389, pp. 120–130
 1. '''Postovan, A.''', '''Eraşcu, M.''', Architecturing Binarized Neural Networks for Traffic Sign Recognition, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 14254 LNCS, pp. 87–98, 2023
 1. '''Mitran, M.-A.''', Kononova, A.V., Caraffini, F., '''Zaharie, D.''', Patterns of Convergence and Bound Constraint Violation in Differential Evolution on SBOX-COST Benchmarking Suite, GECCO 2023 Companion - Proceedings of the 2023 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion, pp. 2337–2345, 2023
 1. '''Valcan, S.''', '''Gaianu, M.''', Ground Truth Data Generator in Automotive Infrared Sensor Vision Problems Using a Minimum Set of Operations, Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1864 CCIS, pp. 632–644, 2023
 1. '''Ionascu, A.''', '''Stefaniga, S.''', '''Gaianu, M.''', Synthetic Football Sprite Animations Learned Across the Pitch, Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1864 CCIS, pp. 610–618, 2023
 1. '''Costi, F.''', '''Onchis, D.M.''', Istin, C., Cozma, G.V., Explainability-Enhanced Neural Network for Thoracic Diagnosis Improvement, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 14184 LNCS, pp. 35–44, 2023
 1. '''David, B.''', '''Eraşcu, M.''', Benchmarking Optimization Solvers and Symmetry Breakers for the Automated Deployment of Component-based Applications in the Cloud, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 3458, pp. 37–44, 2023
 1. '''D. Petcu''', Cognitive Cloud Continuum : Plenary Talk, SACI 2023 - IEEE 17th International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics, Proceedings, pp. 11–12, 2023
 1. '''Mitran, M.-A.''', A Theoretical Analysis on the Bound Violation Probability in Differential Evolution Algorithm, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 13858 LNCS, pp. 233–245, 2023
 1. Rochian, V., '''Bonchis, C.''', Tepeneu, I., Worker-to-Task Skill-Based Assignment, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 655 LNNS, pp. 157–168, 2023
 1. '''Iuhasz, G.''', '''Panica, S.''', '''Duma, A.''', Cycle Detection and Clustering for Cyber Physical Systems, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 655 LNNS, pp. 100–114, 2023

== 2022 ==
==== Journal papers ====
 1. '''Brandibur, O., '''Kaslik E.''', Stability Analysis for a Fractional-Order Coupled FitzHugh–Nagumo-Type Neuronal Model, Fractal and Fractional 6 (5), 257, 2022 '''
 1. '''L Bîrdac, '''E Kaslik''', '''R Mureşan''', Dynamics of a Reduced System Connected to the Investigation of an Infinite Network of Identical Theta Neurons, Mathematics 10 (18), 3245, 2022 '''
 1. '''Camino, C., Diekert, V., Dundua, B., '''Marin, M.''', Senizergues, G., REGULAR MATCHING PROBLEMS FOR INFINITE TREES, Logical Methods in Computer Science 18(1),38, 2022 '''
 1. '''GV Cozma, '''D Onchis''', C Istin, IA Petrache, Explainable Machine Learning Solution for Observing Optimal Surgery Timings in Thoracic Cancer Diagnosis, Applied Sciences, 12, 6506, 2022 '''
 1. '''Culda, L.C., '''Kaslik, E.''', Neamţu, M., Stability and bifurcations in a general Cournot duopoly model with distributed time delays, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 162,112424, 2022 '''
 1. '''Damian L.R., Dumitrescu R, Alexa VT, Focht D, Schwartz C, Balean O, Jumanca D, Obistioiu D, Lalescu D, '''Stefaniga SA''', Berbecea A, Fratila AD, Scurtu AD, Galuscan A, Impact of Dentistry Materials on Chemical Remineralisation/Infiltration versus Salivary Remineralisation of Enamel—In Vitro Study, Materials 15 (20), 7258, 2022 '''
 1. Frincu M.''', '''Penteliuc M.''', '''Spataru A.''', A solar radiation forecast platform spanning over the edge-cloud continuum, Electronics 11 (17), 2756, 2022 '''
 1. Kaslik E''', Rădulescu IR, Stability and bifurcations in fractional-order gene regulatory networks, Applied Mathematics and Computation 421, 126916, 2022 '''
 1. Kaslik, E.''', Kokovics, E.-A., Rădulescu, A., Stability and bifurcations in Wilson-Cowan systems with distributed delays, and an application to basal ganglia interactions, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 104,105984,2022 '''
 1. Onchis D''', Istin C, '''Hogea E''', A Neuro-Symbolic Classifier with Optimized Satisfiability for Monitoring Security Alerts in Network Traffic, Applied Sciences, 12, 22, 2022 '''
 1. Valcan S''', '''Gaianu M''', CUDA Implementation For Eye Location On Infrared Images, Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience 23 (1), 1-8, 2022 '''
 1. '''Secasan CC, '''Onchis D''', Bardan R, Cumpanas A, Novacescu D, Botoca C, Dema A, Sporea I, Artificial Intelligence System for Predicting Prostate Cancer Lesions from Shear Wave Elastography Measurements, Current Oncology, 2022 '''
 1. '''Sénizergues G, '''Marin M''', Dundua B, Diekert V, Camino C, Regular matching problems for infinite trees, Logical Methods in Computer Science 18, 2022 '''
 1. '''Stolojescu-Crisan, C., '''Butunoi, B.-P.''', Crisan, C., An IoT Based Smart Irrigation System, IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine, 11(3), pp. 50-58, 2022 '''
 1. '''Stolojescu-Crisan, C., Crisan, C., '''Butunoi, B.-P.''', Access control and surveillance in a smart home, High-Confidence Computing, 2(1),100036, 2022 '''
 1. '''Valcan, S., Gaianu, M., CUDA Implementation for Eye Location on Infrared Images, Scalable Computing, 23(1), pp. 1-8, 2022 '''

==== Conference papers ====
 1. '''Brandibur, O., '''Kaslik E.''', Stability Results for Two-Term Fractional-Order Difference Equations, International workshop on Advanced Theory and Applications of Fractional Calculus, pp 225-230, 2022 '''
 1. '''Brandibur, O., '''Kaslik, E.''', Stability Results for Two-Term Fractional-Order Difference Equations, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 452 LNNS, pp. 225-230, 2022 '''
 1. Dramnesc I''', T Jebelean, E Abraham, G Kusper, S Stratulat, ARC: An Educational Project on Automated Reasoning in the Class, EdMedia+ Innovate Learning, 934-943, 2022 '''
 1. Drămnesc I''', E Ábrahám, T Jebelean, G Kusper, S Stratulat, Experiments with Automated Reasoning in the Class, International Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics, 287-304, 2022 '''
 1. Eraşcu, M.''', Mladenovici, V.,Transferring Learning into the Workplace: Evaluating a Student-centered Learning Approach through Computer Science Students’ Lens, International Conference on Computer Supported Education, CSEDU - Proceedings 2, pp. 442-449, 2022 '''
 1. Galiș, D.''', '''Pungilă, C.''', '''Negru, V.''', A Fast NDFA-Based Approach to Approximate Pattern-Matching for Plagiarism Detection in Blockchain-Driven NFTs, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 13428 LNCS, pp. 53-58, 2022 '''
 1. Istrate G.''', '''Bonchiş C.''', '''Crãciun A.''', Compositionality and Proof Complexity, Structure Meets Power Workshop (Contributed Talks), 44, 2022 '''
 1. Istrate G.''', '''Bonchiş C.''', Being Central on the Cheap: Stability in Heterogeneous Multiagent Centrality Games, Proceedings of AAMAS'22, the 21st International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, pp. 651-659, 2022 '''
 1. Mitran M. A.''', A Theoretical Analysis on the Bound Violation Probability in Differential Evolution Algorithm, Proceedings of Numerical Methods and Applications - 10th International Conference, NMA 2022, Borovets, Bulgaria, August 22–26, 2022, LNCS, volume 13858, pp. 233-245. '''
 1. Spătaru A.''', '''Iuhasz G.''', '''Panica S.''', TUFA: A TOSCA extension for the specification of accelerator-aware applications in the Cloud Continuum - 2022 IEEE 46th Annual Computers, Software, and Applications Conference (COMPSAC), pp. 1178-1183, 2022 '''
 1. '''Slim H, Belouadah A, Popescu A, '''Onchis D''', Dataset Knowledge Transfer for Class-Incremental Learning without Memory, Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, pp 483-492, 2022 '''

Previous years (20xx):


















Journal papers

  1. Cerdà-Alabern L, Iuhasz G., Gemmi G, Anomaly detection for fault detection in wireless community networks using machine learning, Computer Communications, 2023

  2. Cerdà-Alabern, L., Iuhasz, G., Dataset for anomaly detection in a production wireless mesh community network, Data in Brief, 49, 109342, 2023
  3. Brandibur, O., Kaslik, É., Stability Properties of Multi-Term Fractional-Differential Equations, Fractal and Fractional, 7(2),117, 2023

  4. Das, S., Mahato, S.K., Mondal, A., Kaslik, E., Emergence of diverse dynamical responses in a fractional-order slow–fast pest–predator model, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2023

  5. Faragó, P., Ștefănigă, S.-A., Cordoș, C.-G., (...), Perju-Dumbravă, L., Ileșan, R.R., CNN-Based Identification of Parkinson’s Disease from Continuous Speech in Noisy Environments, Bioengineering, 10(5),531, 2023

  6. Istrate, G., Bonchiş, C., A parametric worst-case approach to fairness in cooperative games with transferable utility, Theoretical Computer Science 940, pp. 189-205, 2023

  7. Iuhasz, G., Panica, S., Duma, A., Cycle Detection and Clustering for Cyber-Physical Systems, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 655 LNNS, pp. 100-114, 2023

  8. Kaslik, E., Kokovics, E.-A., Stability and bifurcations in scalar differential equations with a general distributed delay, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2023

  9. Kononova A.V., Vermetten D., Caraffini F., Mitran M.A., Zaharie D., The Importance of Being Constrained: Dealing with Infeasible Solutions in Differential Evolution and Beyond, Evolutionary Computation (online early), 2023

  10. Sharma, S.K., Mondal, A., Kaslik, E., Hens, C., Antonopoulos, C.G., Diverse electrical responses in a network of fractional-order conductance-based excitable Morris-Lecar systems, Scientific Reports, 13(1), https://doi.org/10.1162/evco_a_00333, 2023

  11. R. Urechiatu, M. Frincu, O. Vaduvescu, C. Boldea, Automated Asteroid Detection by using an Ensemble ML Method, Romanian Astronomical Journal.

  12. Onchis, D.M., Gillich, G.-R., Hogea, E.Tufisi, C., Neuro-symbolic model for cantilever beams damage detection, Computers in Industry, 151, 103991, 2023

  13. Miok, K., Corcoran, P., Spasić, I., The Value of Numbers in Clinical Text Classification, Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction, 5(3), pp. 746–762, 2023

  14. T. Selea, AgriSen-COG, a Multicountry, Multitemporal Large-Scale Sentinel-2 Benchmark Dataset for Crop Mapping Using Deep Learning,Remote Sensing, 15(12), 2980, 2023

Conference papers

  1. E. Flondor, M. Frincu, Analysing Android Apps Classification and Categories Validation by using Latent Dirichlet Allocation, Procs. ICCCI.

  2. M. Frincu, S. Frincu, M. Penteliuc, Challenges and Solutions in Transliterating 19th Century Romanian Texts from the Transitional to the Latin Script, Procs. LDK (http://2023.ldk-conf.org/accepted-papers/).

  3. Marin, M., Kutsia, T., Pau, C., Rukhaia, M., Enumerating All Maximal Clique-Partitions of an Undirected Graph, Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science, EPTCS, 389, pp. 65–79, FROM Workshop, 2023.

  4. Postovan, A., Eraşcu, M., Benchmarking Local Robustness of High-Accuracy Binary Neural Networks for Enhanced Traffic Sign Recognition, Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science, EPTCS, 389, pp. 120–130

  5. Postovan, A., Eraşcu, M., Architecturing Binarized Neural Networks for Traffic Sign Recognition, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 14254 LNCS, pp. 87–98, 2023

  6. Mitran, M.-A., Kononova, A.V., Caraffini, F., Zaharie, D., Patterns of Convergence and Bound Constraint Violation in Differential Evolution on SBOX-COST Benchmarking Suite, GECCO 2023 Companion - Proceedings of the 2023 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion, pp. 2337–2345, 2023

  7. Valcan, S., Gaianu, M., Ground Truth Data Generator in Automotive Infrared Sensor Vision Problems Using a Minimum Set of Operations, Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1864 CCIS, pp. 632–644, 2023

  8. Ionascu, A., Stefaniga, S., Gaianu, M., Synthetic Football Sprite Animations Learned Across the Pitch, Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1864 CCIS, pp. 610–618, 2023

  9. Costi, F., Onchis, D.M., Istin, C., Cozma, G.V., Explainability-Enhanced Neural Network for Thoracic Diagnosis Improvement, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 14184 LNCS, pp. 35–44, 2023

  10. David, B., Eraşcu, M., Benchmarking Optimization Solvers and Symmetry Breakers for the Automated Deployment of Component-based Applications in the Cloud, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 3458, pp. 37–44, 2023

  11. D. Petcu, Cognitive Cloud Continuum : Plenary Talk, SACI 2023 - IEEE 17th International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics, Proceedings, pp. 11–12, 2023

  12. Mitran, M.-A., A Theoretical Analysis on the Bound Violation Probability in Differential Evolution Algorithm, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 13858 LNCS, pp. 233–245, 2023

  13. Rochian, V., Bonchis, C., Tepeneu, I., Worker-to-Task Skill-Based Assignment, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 655 LNNS, pp. 157–168, 2023

  14. Iuhasz, G., Panica, S., Duma, A., Cycle Detection and Clustering for Cyber Physical Systems, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 655 LNNS, pp. 100–114, 2023


Journal papers

  1. Brandibur, O., Kaslik E., Stability Analysis for a Fractional-Order Coupled FitzHugh–Nagumo-Type Neuronal Model, Fractal and Fractional 6 (5), 257, 2022

  2. L Bîrdac, E Kaslik, R Mureşan, Dynamics of a Reduced System Connected to the Investigation of an Infinite Network of Identical Theta Neurons, Mathematics 10 (18), 3245, 2022

  3. Camino, C., Diekert, V., Dundua, B., Marin, M., Senizergues, G., REGULAR MATCHING PROBLEMS FOR INFINITE TREES, Logical Methods in Computer Science 18(1),38, 2022

  4. GV Cozma, D Onchis, C Istin, IA Petrache, Explainable Machine Learning Solution for Observing Optimal Surgery Timings in Thoracic Cancer Diagnosis, Applied Sciences, 12, 6506, 2022

  5. Culda, L.C., Kaslik, E., Neamţu, M., Stability and bifurcations in a general Cournot duopoly model with distributed time delays, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 162,112424, 2022

  6. Damian L.R., Dumitrescu R, Alexa VT, Focht D, Schwartz C, Balean O, Jumanca D, Obistioiu D, Lalescu D, Stefaniga SA, Berbecea A, Fratila AD, Scurtu AD, Galuscan A, Impact of Dentistry Materials on Chemical Remineralisation/Infiltration versus Salivary Remineralisation of Enamel—In Vitro Study, Materials 15 (20), 7258, 2022

  7. Frincu M., Penteliuc M., Spataru A., A solar radiation forecast platform spanning over the edge-cloud continuum, Electronics 11 (17), 2756, 2022

  8. Kaslik E, Rădulescu IR, Stability and bifurcations in fractional-order gene regulatory networks, Applied Mathematics and Computation 421, 126916, 2022

  9. Kaslik, E., Kokovics, E.-A., Rădulescu, A., Stability and bifurcations in Wilson-Cowan systems with distributed delays, and an application to basal ganglia interactions, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 104,105984,2022

  10. Onchis D, Istin C, Hogea E, A Neuro-Symbolic Classifier with Optimized Satisfiability for Monitoring Security Alerts in Network Traffic, Applied Sciences, 12, 22, 2022

  11. Valcan S, Gaianu M, CUDA Implementation For Eye Location On Infrared Images, Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience 23 (1), 1-8, 2022


  13. Secasan CC, Onchis D, Bardan R, Cumpanas A, Novacescu D, Botoca C, Dema A, Sporea I, Artificial Intelligence System for Predicting Prostate Cancer Lesions from Shear Wave Elastography Measurements, Current Oncology, 2022

  14. Sénizergues G, Marin M, Dundua B, Diekert V, Camino C, Regular matching problems for infinite trees, Logical Methods in Computer Science 18, 2022

  15. Stolojescu-Crisan, C., Butunoi, B.-P., Crisan, C., An IoT Based Smart Irrigation System, IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine, 11(3), pp. 50-58, 2022

  16. Stolojescu-Crisan, C., Crisan, C., Butunoi, B.-P., Access control and surveillance in a smart home, High-Confidence Computing, 2(1),100036, 2022

  17. Valcan, S., Gaianu, M., CUDA Implementation for Eye Location on Infrared Images, Scalable Computing, 23(1), pp. 1-8, 2022

Conference papers

  1. Brandibur, O., Kaslik E., Stability Results for Two-Term Fractional-Order Difference Equations, International workshop on Advanced Theory and Applications of Fractional Calculus, pp 225-230, 2022

  2. Brandibur, O., Kaslik, E., Stability Results for Two-Term Fractional-Order Difference Equations, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 452 LNNS, pp. 225-230, 2022

  3. Dramnesc I, T Jebelean, E Abraham, G Kusper, S Stratulat, ARC: An Educational Project on Automated Reasoning in the Class, EdMedia+ Innovate Learning, 934-943, 2022

  4. Drămnesc I, E Ábrahám, T Jebelean, G Kusper, S Stratulat, Experiments with Automated Reasoning in the Class, International Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics, 287-304, 2022


  6. Eraşcu, M., Mladenovici, V.,Transferring Learning into the Workplace: Evaluating a Student-centered Learning Approach through Computer Science Students’ Lens, International Conference on Computer Supported Education, CSEDU - Proceedings 2, pp. 442-449, 2022

  7. Galiș, D., Pungilă, C., Negru, V., A Fast NDFA-Based Approach to Approximate Pattern-Matching for Plagiarism Detection in Blockchain-Driven NFTs, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 13428 LNCS, pp. 53-58, 2022

  8. Istrate G., Bonchiş C., Crãciun A., Compositionality and Proof Complexity, Structure Meets Power Workshop (Contributed Talks), 44, 2022

  9. Istrate G., Bonchiş C., Being Central on the Cheap: Stability in Heterogeneous Multiagent Centrality Games, Proceedings of AAMAS'22, the 21st International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, pp. 651-659, 2022

  10. Mitran M. A., A Theoretical Analysis on the Bound Violation Probability in Differential Evolution Algorithm, Proceedings of Numerical Methods and Applications - 10th International Conference, NMA 2022, Borovets, Bulgaria, August 22–26, 2022, LNCS, volume 13858, pp. 233-245.

  11. Spătaru A., Iuhasz G., Panica S., TUFA: A TOSCA extension for the specification of accelerator-aware applications in the Cloud Continuum - 2022 IEEE 46th Annual Computers, Software, and Applications Conference (COMPSAC), pp. 1178-1183, 2022

  12. Slim H, Belouadah A, Popescu A, Onchis D, Dataset Knowledge Transfer for Class-Incremental Learning without Memory, Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, pp 483-492, 2022

Publications (last edited 2024-10-13 10:44:20 by DanielaZaharie)