
The novelty of DLT based applications

Damiano Di Francesco Maesa, University of Pisa, Italy


In this talk we will present how applications may leverage Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) properties to gain innovative capabilities. The talk will briefly introduce the technology and explain its main properties. The main concept of decentralisation will be the main thread that we will follow throughout the presentation. We will touch upon concepts such as blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies, and smart contracts. We will then showcase a set of applications enhanced by employing DLT, including the ones developed by the research group of the speaker, the Pisa DLT lab.

Short bio:

Damiano Di Francesco Maesa is an Assistant professor in computer science at the University of Pisa, Italy. His past affiliations include the University of Cambridge, King's College London, and the National Research Institute of Italy. He has a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Pisa and specializes in blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT). He has been involved in the topic since 2013 and, beside his academic contributions, he has held several guest lectures, seminars, and workshops to spread awareness on blockchain technology.

AbstractMaesa (last edited 2023-03-24 06:07:23 by DanielaZaharie)