Theory of Computing

Research Empowers Us


  • Algorithms and Computational Complexity
  • Agent-based models, game theory and complex networks
  • Symbolic computation
  • Unification and matching
  • Constraint logic programming
  • Proof-based algorithm synthesis
  • (TCS Research Group)


Adrian Crăciun

Automated reasoning

Adriana Popovici

Cellular automata

Cosmin Bonchiș

Information theory, Membrane computing, Parallel and distributed computing

Gabriel Istrate

Combinatorical and game-theoretic models in theoretical computer science; Computational complexity; Combinatorial models of complex systems

Isabela Drămnesc

Automated Reasoning, Algorithm Synthesis

Mădălina Erașcu

Distributed (Cloud) Computing, Formal Verification, Automated Theorem Proving, Symbolic Computation (Computer Algebra)

Mircea Drăgan

Computational geometry

Mircea Marin

Declarative programming; Automated reasoning; Formal languages; Computer Algebra; Multiagent systems

Tudor Jebelean

Automated Reasoning; Logic and Programming
